Monday, January 12, 2015

Baby Boomers

Every day for the next 20 yrs approsimately 10,000 Americans will celebrate their 65th Birthday and may will live into their 70s, 80s, and beyond.
Living longer does alway mean maintaint the same quality of life as you age. That's why it so cruical people of all ages to start thinkng about how they'll age. How do you want tolive yourlife after you retire? Do you want to feel energized and stay active?

Just the facts for pure energy

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Energy for everyone

A flavorful energy boost with a scientifically supported blend of botanicals formulated to help you feel refreshed, energized and mentally alert. e+ is infused with a host of healthy ingredients to fire up your athletic performance without artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors.
  • Naturally-sourced caffeine from green tea and yerba maté
  • Fuel for everyday activities or competitive athletic performances
  • Only 35 calories per serving
  • The e+ Starter Pak is the best way to stock up with enough e+ for yourself and others
  • For each box of e+ sold, Isagenix will donate 50 cents to Make-A-Wish®
to order:
#pureenergy #focus #adaptogens