Saturday, February 24, 2018

Steroids destroy cartilage- (BTW so do NSAIDs)

ziretta knee arthritis
Last month, a high-level research study confirmed what we’ve known for years: the anti-inflammatory steroid that the average family doctor, pain-management specialist, or orthopedic surgeon is injecting into your knee is killing the cartilage. So that research should put the whole steroid injection thing to bed, right? Nope. Surprisingly, this week, a company called Flexion has announced the completion of a clinical study for a high-dose, long-acting steroid drug called Zilretta to treat knee arthritis. They also expect prompt approval of said drug in October. Huh? How is it possible that such a drug could ever be approved through the FDA now that we have evidence that steroids kill cartilage? It’s a great example of just how screwed up our drug-approval process has become.

Steroids Kill Cartilage

Steroids are still a mainstay injection treatment for knee arthritis. Despite this, we’ve had lab and animal evidence for many years that show that steroid shots are toxic to cartilage cells. However, this past month, a high-level research study demonstrated that steroid shots don’t help knee-arthritis pain and cause accelerated cartilage loss. This finding is consistent with the rest of the research.
So this would seem to be the end of the line for injecting steroids into joints, right? Wrong. Since steroids are covered by insurance and coverage often determines medical practice patterns more than what’s best for the patient, steroids are still being injected into joints with wild abandon. Not only is this crazy practice not going away, a small pharma company is doubling down on the concept. Let me explain.

What Is Zilretta?

Zilretta is a crystalline form of a corticosteroid called triamcinolone.The steroid crystals are embedded in a gel (PLGA) and then formed into microspheres (little balls). The idea is that the steroid crystals will slowly dissolve over time because the matrix breaks down slowly. Like any good pharma company playing the game, the company (Flexion Therapeutics) has lined up “thought leaders” (read compensated physician cheerleaders) and has apparently completed a Fast Track pivotal trial and is anticipating FDA approval in October.

If a Little Steroid Is Toxic, Let’s Just Add More!

How could the FDA approve a long-acting, even higher-dose form of steroid to inject into arthritic knees? Why wouldn’t this company fold as soon as the powerful study on knee steroid side effects, mentioned above, was published? Welcome to the American pharma industry! If the company gets Fast Track approval this fall, then we know that the FDA approval process is a stacked deck. If the agency does the right thing, which is to cite the safety concerns and cartilage toxicity of the steroid ingredient of the new drug, then we know the agency is doing its job. Only time will tell.
The upshot? Steroids are bad news and high-dose long-acting steroids are even worse. Will we see Zilretta on the market? Here’s to hoping that the FDA does the right thing.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Are Whole Grains Healthy?

Whole grains can be a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.While they taste pretty good, the toxic amounts we eat contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and dementia. And most of the grains we eat, even whole wheat, are turned into flour products which have a higher glycemic index than table sugar.

Starch and sugar are essentially the same thing. Flour acts more like sugar in your body than a whole unprocessed grain. In fact, eating 2 slices of whole wheat bread raises your blood sugar more than eating 2 tablespoons of table sugar does! Whenever you eat something containing wheat flour, you might as well be mainlining sugar.

You’re not eating the same grains your grandparents ate. New hybrids have been developed that are much starchier than their predecessors and have a greater impact on our blood sugar than the traditional kinds of starch. (It actually promotes insulin resistance or prediabetes.) The new varieties also have more gluten, which is not doing us any favors. And while most wheat isn’t genetically modified, it is dosed with a chemical herbicide called glyphosate just before harvest, which increases its yield.

But there are some healthy grains. Whole grains like quinoa and amaranth that contain no gluten, have not been turned into highly refined, industrialized products. They also won’t send your blood sugar soaring

In general, we need to recognize grains for what they are—a recreational treat, not a staple

If you enjoy your grains/carbs then you need to watch this interactive animation:

Friday, February 9, 2018

Losing weight after 50

If you're like most men and women over 50, you've probably noticed how much easier it has become to gain weight than to lose it...
Every year, that number on the scale keeps creeping up a few notches, EVEN IF you're saying "No" to cookies and Pizza and "Yes" to exercise.
So what the heck is going on? Why do your jeans keep getting tighter?
Turns out, after you hit your 30's, your metabolism begins to slow down1, which means your body is burning almost 200 less calories a day by the time you're 50.

As If Your Slowing Metabolism Wasn't Enough...
As if a slowing metabolism wasn't enough, after 30 you also start losing about half a pound of your calorie burning muscle tissue each year (and at 50, that rate doubles!)2... not exactly a recipe for a slim waistline!
So what's a concerned "50 something" to do?
For most people, it's hard enough to find the motivation to exercise and the discipline to eat healthier... but after 50, it's like a double whammy!
Change is hard. Your body doesn't respond to exercise as quickly as it used to and even if you want to eat healthier, most people haven't the faintest idea what "healthy food" really is. For instance... more at
(copy and paste the link into your browser) 

Love is in the Air !

Love is in the air❤️❤️❤️

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For more information go to: