Should you choose to create your own fruit or vegetable garden in your backyard or on your windowsill, how can you keep Monsanto from reaching its grubby fingers into your home? The corporate behemoth has gained control of 40% of the U.S. vegetable seed market by buying up smaller companies, and now owns the rights to the names themselves of many kinds of seeds. Thus these tips from Healthy Home Economist:
Avoid buying from the seed companies affiliated with Monsanto. Here’s a list of these seed companies:
Buy from this list of companies Monsanto HASN’T bought and are not affiliated or do business with Seminis: http://
Avoid certain heirloom varieties because Monsanto now apparently owns the names. This article lists the seed varieties to avoid: http://
Ask seed companies if they have taken the Safe Seed Pledge. Here’s a list of companies that have done so: http://
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