Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
GMOs Linked to Gluten-Related Disorders
Important Article, had to post~
GMOs Linked to Gluten-Related Disorders
Do you or a loved one suffer from gluten sensitivity? You may be wondering why you react to gluten now even though you never did in the past. You may be wondering why a gluten-free diet has helped, but has not completely resolved your symptoms. If you are on a quest to find all of the pieces to the gluten puzzle, the following information is for you. In a report released today by the Institute for Responsible Technology, a team of experts proposes a possible link between genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and gluten-related disorders. The analysis is based on Dept. of Agriculture data, Environmental Protection Act records, medical journal reviews, and international research.
The full 24-page report, a press release, and a recorded interview can all be found An article summarizing the findings of this report is presented below:
Can Genetically Engineered Foods Trigger Gluten Sensitivity?
Gluten sensitivity is currently estimated to affect as many as 18 million Americans. 1 Reactions togluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, are becoming increasingly common. Gluten sensitivity can range in severity from mild discomfort, such as gas and bloating, to celiac disease, a serious autoimmune condition that can, if undiagnosed, result in a 4-fold increase in death. 2 Genetics alone cannot explain the rapid rise in gluten-related disorders, and experts believe that there must be an environmental trigger. There continues to be much debate about what that environmental trigger may be.
Some assert that a higher gluten content of modern wheat is to blame for the rising prevalence of gluten-related disorders. 3 But a 2013 review of data commissioned by the United States Departmentof Agriculture found no evidence to support this. 4 Others blame increased consumption of wheat overall, 4 age of wheat introduction, 5 cesarean birth, 6 breastfeeding duration, 7 or alterations in intestinal microflora. 8 All of these do offer some explanation, but they cannot completely account for the drastic increase in gluten sensitivities that we have seen in recent years.
Another possible environmental trigger may be the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the American food supply, which occurred in the mid-1990s. GMOs are created by a laboratory process that transfers genetic material into the DNA of an organism There are nine genetically modified (GM) food crops currently on the market: soy, corn, cotton (oil), canola (oil), sugar from sugar beets, zucchini, yellow squash, Hawaiian papaya, and alfalfa. Notice that wheat is notone of these. Although wheat has been hybridized through natural breeding techniques over the years, it is not in fact a GMO.
Most GM crops are engineered to tolerate a weed killer called Roundup®, whose active ingredient is glyphosate. These crops, known as Roundup-Ready crops, accumulate high levels of glyphosate that remain in the food. Corn and cotton varieties are also engineered to produce an insecticide called Bt-toxin. The Bt-toxin is produced in every cell of genetically engineered corn and ends up in corn chips, corn tortillas, and other ingredients derived from corn. A recent analysis of research suggests that Bt-toxin, glyphosate, and other components of GMOs, are linked to five conditions that may either initiate or exacerbate gluten-related disorders:
Intestinal permeability
Gluten-related disorders are commonly accompanied by and possibly triggered by intestinal permeability, which is commonly referred to as "leaky gut."9 Leaky gut occurs when gaps form between intestinal cells and large particles from the digestive tract enter the bloodstream, potentially triggering immune or allergic reactions. The Bt-toxin produced by genetically modified corn kills insects by punching holes in their digestive tracts, and a 2012 study confirmed that it punctures holes in human cells as well.10 Bt-toxin is present in every kernel of Bt corn, survives human digestion, and has been detected in the blood of 93% of pregnant women tested and 80% of their unborn fetuses.11 This "hole-punching toxin" may be a critical piece of the puzzle in understanding gluten-related disorders.
Imbalanced gut bacteria
Gluten-sensitive individuals, and especially those with celiac disease, also commonly have an imbalance in their gut flora.12,13,14,15 The reason that cesarean section increases risk 6 and breastfeeding decreases risk 7 for gluten sensitivity is likely due to their respective effects on microbial balance in the infant's gut. 16 Glyphosate used on GM crops is not only an herbicide, but also a potent antibiotic.Even with minimal exposure, glyphosate can significantly reduce the population of beneficial gut bacteria and promote the overgrowth of harmful strains.17 18 An overgrowth of harmful bacteria can promote inflammation, leaky gut, and immune reactions, all of which are linked to gluten-related disorders.
Immune activation and allergies
Many people do not develop reactivity to gluten until later in life, which supports the notion that it can be triggered by environmental factors. The only study to date that has been able to effectively trigger an immunological shift to gluten sensitivity was done in mice in 2011. 19 The study showed that retinoic acid, a metabolite of vitamin A, activated a specific immune response to gluten under inflammatory conditions in the gut. It turns out that glyphosate, the primary herbicide used on GM crops, increases retinoic acid activity. 20 If glyphosate activates retinoic acid, and retinoic acid activates gluten sensitivity, eating GMOs soaked with glyphosate may play a role in the onset of glute-related disorders.
Bt-toxin may also activate the immune system. When mice were exposed to Bt-toxin, they not only mounted an immune response to it directly, but they subsequently reacted to foods that had not formerly triggered a response.21 There was something about the Bt-toxin that primed the immune system to become reactive to other, once benign, foods. If humans exposed to Bt-toxin react in a similar manner, eating GM corn could directly lead to the development of gluten or other food sensitivities.
Impaired digestion
Decreased digestive enzymes can create undigested food particles, contribute to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, and promote symptoms of gluten-related disorders. Studies of mice eating Roundup Ready soy and fish exposed to glyphosate show that these compounds reduce digestive enzymes. 2223 All soybeans contain trypsin inhibitor, which blocks an important enzyme needed to digest protein, but Roundup Ready® soybeans contain as much as seven times more than non-GMO soy.24,25 The results of these studies suggest that genetically engineered foods may lead to serious digestive compromise.
Damage to the intestinal wall
A common result of gluten sensitivity is damage to the lining of the intestinal tract. Celiac disease results in flattening of the microvilli lining the walls of the intestine. Both Bt-toxin and glyphosate have produced structural damage to microvilli in animal studies; animals exposed to these substances developed microvilli that were broken off, discontinuous, or shortened. 26 23
Stay Away from GMOs
A clear explanation for the rising rate of gluten-related disorders remains elusive. Multiple factors interact, with no clear or original cause. But genetically modified foods and their primary chemical residue, glyphosate, may be an important piece of the puzzle. Whether GMOs are indeed a causative factor in the escalating trend of gluten sensitivity or merely an obstacle to cure is yet to be determined.
Many clinicians already prescribe non-GMO diets for their gluten-sensitive patients. Physicians and patients have reported improvement in their symptoms after eliminating GMOs from their diets. Internist, Emily Linder MD, says, "Based on my clinical experience, when I remove genetically modified foods as part of the treatment for gluten sensitivity, recovery is faster and more complete. I believe that GMOs in our diet contribute to the rise in gluten sensitivity in the U.S. population."
Unfortunately, many people who discover they are gluten-sensitive actually increase their intake of GMOs because they switch from wheat products to corn products. With 88% of the U.S. corn crop genetically engineered, avoidance of GMOs in the gluten-free community presents a unique challenge to consumers.
The best way to avoid GMOs is to consult the or download the free iPhone app ShopNoGMO. Look for products with either the "Non-GMO Project Verified" or the "Certified Organic" seal. Avoid ingredients derived from the foods most likely to be genetically modified. These include soy, corn, cottonseed, canola, sugar, papaya from Hawaii or China, zucchini, and yellow squash.
If you have seen improvement in a gluten-related condition after eliminating GMOs from your diet, please email to share your story.
If you have a friend or relative suffering from gluten sensitivity, ask them if they eat GMOs and forward this email to them!
Help us to reclaim a non-GMO food supply!
The paper was a collaboration between the following people:Jeffrey Smith, director of the Institue for Responsible Technology | Sayer Ji, author and founder of , the most widely referenced natural medicine database. | Dr. Tom O' Bryan, | Tom Malterre, MS CN, author, and | Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Senior Research Scientist,
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Flaxseed Oil or Fish Oil for Omega 3s??
Omega-3's and Flaxseed Oil: The chemical pathway
(June 2006; revised 11/2007)
Can flaxseed be substituted for fish oil? It's a lot cheaper -- but will it work as a source of omega-3's? The answer is "it depends", and also "not sure". If you're eating a lot of typical American foods, perhaps not. If you're consuming a lot of fish, perhaps not. In any case, flaxseed has not been tested directly as a treatment for mood or heart disease, as fish oil has.The bottom line: the enzyme required to turn flaxseed oils into omega-3's can be kept busy with the "bad guys" (omega-6's) in your diet. Worse yet, the omega-3's you already have suppress the activity of that enzyme. Therefore, one cannot be certain that flax seed oil can deliver omega-3 fatty acids. Since there are no studies ("randomized clinical trials") showing the effectiveness of flaxseed oil; whereas there are multiple studies showing some degree of effectiveness, greater than a placebo at least, for omega-3 fatty acids themselves in the form of fish oil; at this point using flaxseed to try to affect mood would be making some significant assumptions. It might work, and it doesn't cost as much, and it may even be easier to take if you work it right (grinding them only when you are ready to use them; not cooking them), but we really don't know that.
The following diagram shows why flaxseed is not equivalent to fish oil, even though it is a chemical building block of omega-3's.
Concept 1
Flaxseed oil contains ALA. To be converted into omega-3's (EPA and DHA), it must go through the enzyme Delta-6 Desaturase.
Flaxseed oil contains ALA. To be converted into omega-3's (EPA and DHA), it must go through the enzyme Delta-6 Desaturase.
Concept 2
As you can see, linoleic acid, which is found in a lot of high fat processed foods, is also metabolized through that enzyme, and so it competes for space with ALA. Linoleic acid is converted into compounds which promote inflammation. In the last several decades, the American diet has become dominated by these omega-6 fatty acids. If you are eating like other Americans, you have significant competition for the enzyme needed to convert flaxseed oil into omega-3's. Flaxseed oils themselves include omega-6's as well as omega-3's, about10-20%.
As you can see, linoleic acid, which is found in a lot of high fat processed foods, is also metabolized through that enzyme, and so it competes for space with ALA. Linoleic acid is converted into compounds which promote inflammation. In the last several decades, the American diet has become dominated by these omega-6 fatty acids. If you are eating like other Americans, you have significant competition for the enzyme needed to convert flaxseed oil into omega-3's. Flaxseed oils themselves include omega-6's as well as omega-3's, about10-20%.
Concept 3As signified by the yellow negative sign, the two omega-3's, EPA and DHA, feed back on this enzyme and decrease its activity. Therefore if you somehow already have a lot of omega-3's around (you eat a lot of fish, for example), then less flaxseed oil ALA would be converted to omega-3's. You can also see here that having plenty of omega-3's around has an anti-inflammation effect by blocking activity in the omega-6 pathway as well.
If you would like to see more on these details, there is an excellent site at Oregon State University, the Linus Pauling Institute; here is their page on omega-3 details
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Natural Remedies for Flu
(free flyer, download to share with family and friends)
The flu is a viral infection easily spread by droplets from the nose, throat, and lungs. We spread the virus from the day before symptoms appear. The virus is then washed out of the body through mucus production for about 7-10 days by sneezing and coughing.
Millions of people in the United States get the flu each year. Most people will recover completely in about one to two weeks. Since influenza is caused by a virus, antibiotics have no effect on the infection.
Whole food probiotics provide nutrients and beneficial microbials to balance the gut. The gut is 70-80% of our immune system.

Immune Boosting Foods:
- Green Smoothie
- Nettles infusion
- Homemade Milk Kefir
- Fermented Veggies
- Homemade Bone Broth
- Master Tonic
- Liver
- Coconut Oil,
- Cod Liver Oil
… and Epsom salt baths.
“Infection” is the body healing itself. The Flu is treated with rest and fluids.
Homeopathic “Cold Calm” can help to relieve symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and minor sore throat. Homeopathic "Oscillococcinum" can help to relieve symptoms of feeling run down, headache, body aches, chills and fever.
Chicken soup has been documented to shorten the duration of a virus. Feverreducers lengthen the duration of viral illness. “Master Tonic is awesome, potent and healing!
How to Support the Body To Heal:
- Astragalus
- Cayenne
- Echinacea
- Elderberry
- Garlic
- Honey
- Lemon
- Licorice
- Thyme
- Turmeric
- Herbal teas
- Chamomile
- Catnip
- Rosemary
- Cinnamon
- Oatstraw
- Vitamins A, B, C and D, Magnesium and Zinc. lists 104 medical research studies from the US National Library of Medicine regarding natural substances and influenza.
Avoid: • Alcohol • Allergens • Dairy • Smoking • Stress • Sugar • Toxins
Garlic and honey are a natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial and work well to address infections. Just chop 6 cloves of raw (peeled) garlic, place the garlic in a jar and pour (raw) honey over it. Steep for at least 3-4 hours; give one teaspoon every hour as needed.
Alternately, onions, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, or cayenne pepper can be added to honey for the antiviral, antibacterial and immune boosting benefits. The honey syrup can be made and stored unrefrigerated for up to 3 months.
Bone broth is easy. Roast a chicken, put the carcass in a pot of water, and simmer for 1-2 days. Strain, use as soup, or for cooking rice, pasta, gravy or drink it straight.
Whole Food Probiotics
Probiotics help strengthen the immune system by balancing your gut with good bacteria. Eat probiotic rich foods even after symptoms are gone (for prevention). Fermented foods, such as kefir and yogurt, are easy, inexpensive and healthy options.
1. Purchase Real Kefir grains, inexpensively.
2. Buy 100% juice, organic grape works great and is delicious.
3. Pour equal amounts of water and juice into a jar and add the kefir grains. Cover loosely with the lid.
4. Store in a cool, dark place, for 24-72 hours. (cupboard)
6. Twist cap regularly to release the carbonation build-up.
7. Strain out kefir grains and store kefir in fridge. Drink a glass every day.The grains can be reused several times.
Website with more information about traditional foods and natural healing: Heal Thyself! @
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