Fava beans are dense with vitamins and minerals. Fava beans are dense with nutrition. Also known as broad beans, fava beans have no saturated fat or cholesterol and contain a high concentration of thiamin, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc and magnesium. They are also an inexpensive source of lean protein. Fava beans can be served raw or cooked, though the bean pods must first be blanched and the mature seeds shelled before eating. A serving of cooked or fresh fava beans can significantly increase your intake of folate, iron, manganese and dietary fiber, all nutrients that can benefit your health in a variety of ways. Folate A cup of cooked fava beans contains 177 micrograms of folate, approximately 44 percent of the recommended daily allowance of folate for an adult man or woman. Fresh, raw fava beans provide even more, with 634 micrograms of folate in every cup. Folate belongs to the B family of vitamins and is vital for energy metabolism. It also supports the function of the nervous system and aids in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and red blood cells. People who eat folate-rich foods like fava beans regularly may have a decreased risk of heart disease, cancer and depression. Pregnant women who have a high intake of folate may be less likely to have a child with birth defects. Iron Consuming a cup of cooked fava beans provides men with 32 percent of their RDA of iron and women with 14 percent of their daily requirement. Adequate iron intake is necessary for the body to produce red blood cells and its primary cellular energy source, adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. If your diet lacks sufficient iron, you may be more likely to develop anemia or neurological problems like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The iron in fava beans is in the non-heme form. Non-heme iron is not as easily absorbed as the heme form of iron found in meat, fish and poultry. You can increase the amount you absorb by eating fava beans with meat or a rich source of vitamin C. Try them cooked and mashed as a side dish for grilled steak or chicken, or mix the lightly sauteed seeds into a salad containing orange or grapefruit segments. Manganese According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, up to 37 percent of Americans may fail to consume enough of the mineral manganese regularly. Fava beans are an excellent source of manganese, providing 1.6 micrograms in every cooked cup. This amount is nearly 100 percent of the RDA for women and 70 percent of the requirement for men. Manganese supports the function of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems and is required for the production of superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that is also a powerful antioxidant. A diet high in manganese may help prevent arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes. It may also help decrease the severity of premenstrual syndrome. Dietary Fiber A cup of cooked fava beans supplies 37 percent of an adult's daily requirement of dietary fiber, while a cup of fresh, raw fava beans supplies 150 percent of the requirement. Like all beans and legumes, fava beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, though they are especially rich in insoluble fiber. Eating plenty of insoluble fiber promotes digestive system health and may help prevent colon cancer. Soluble fiber intake may decrease the risk of high blood cholesterol and diabetes. A high-fiber diet may also help prevent obesity, stroke and heart disease.
Mix Fava beans with Greek Yogurt, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, lemon, garlic salt and himalayan salt and blend in food process-you'll have a healthy high protein, fiber dip for your favorite chips, crackers, etc.
I eat mine with Whey thins for 10gm of extra protein and only 100 calories a bag:
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