Canola Oil vs Olive Oil – Does Canola Oil Cause Cancer and Which One Is Healthier to Cook With?
“In 1986, canola oil was touted as being a healthy oil because it is lower in saturated fat (6%) than any other oil. In contrast, peanut oil contains 18%, and palm oil, 79%.”
“Because canola oil also contains cholesterol-balancing monounsaturated fat comparable to olive oil, the Canola Council of Canada attempted to link many of the benefits of olive-oil-rich Mediterranean-type diets to diets high in canola oil — even if canola oil has never been used in Mediterranean cuisine.”
“The propaganda worked, and sales of canola oil have been on the upswing ever since.”
“However, not too many people know that frying with canola oil releases toxic, carcinogenic fumes. In recent epidemiological studies, it was shown that high lung cancer rates in Chinese women were linked to wok cooking with canola (also called rapeseed) oil.”
“Consumption of canola oil has been shown to cause fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, prostate cancer, anemia, lung cancer, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes and many toxic effects, according to many nutritionists and biochemists.”
Find Out Why In The Battle of Canola Oil vs Olive Oil Which Oil Wins
A superior alternative to canola oil — and indeed the healthiest oil for cooking — is, and has always been, olive oil. Like canola oil, it’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which help reduce “unhealthy” LDL cholesterol and boost “healthy” HDL cholesterol — without the toxic effects of canola.
Olive oil also has a high smoke point (that is, the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to degrade both the flavor and nutritional value of food), which makes it ideal for frying.
New research shows that virgin (and extra-virgin) olive oils — which refers to oils that are produced purely by mechanically pressing the oil from olives (i.e., no chemical processing) — are even more beneficial because they contain antioxidants called polyphenols.
Polyphenols, which are found in olives, as well as red wine and green tea, mop up free radicals before they can oxidize LDL. Once LDL oxidizes, it becomes extremely damaging to arteries.
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