1. Corn: Corn sugar and corn syrup invade nearly all conventional sweets. Over 90% of the corn in America is genetically modified ("mutated" in a lab to kill pests). Don't eat corn that has "built in" pesticides or you'll be "building" cancer cells in your blood! 2. Soy: More than 80% of the soy in America is genetically modified. You'll find it in most conventional sauces. Are you eating RoundUp Ready GM soybeans? RoundUp is an endocrine-disrupting, cancer-causing toxin at parts per trillion levels. (http://www.naturalnews.com) 3. Canola oil: in most salad dressings, pre-baked goods and junk food, like chips and canned goods. (http://www.naturalnews.com) 4. Cottonseed oil: genetically modified to strangulate your mitochondria! You'll find cottonseed oil in lots of baked goods. 5. Burgers, chicken sandwiches and fries: Face it - fast food, most restaurants and sporting events sell meat that comes from animals that lived in confined feeding operations and were fed GMOs (pest killer food)! Then it's cooked in genetically modified oil at high temperatures. 6. OTC (over-the-counter) medications: Cough syrups, cold "remedies" and other liquid pain medications contain genetically modified corn syrups, not to mention artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, aspartame and sucralose. 7. Conventional fruits and vegetables: Especially watch out for the "dirty dozen," which are loaded with pesticide inside and out. You can't wash off GMO! (http://www.ewg.org) 8. Tap water: Fluoride and heavy metals destroy human cells, creating chaos that fuels cancer, bone loss, memory loss, you name it! Tap water contains pesticide and RoundUp from soil runoff, irrigation and flooding. Ever heard of acid rain? (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com) 9. Cheap candy, gum and chocolate are all made from pesticide corn sugar (syrup). Step right up, kids, and read all about it! 10. Artificial sweeteners: Although fake sugars do not contain pesticide (that we know of), did you know that aspartame is genetically modified? (So is MSG - monosodium glutamate.) Could it be that artificial sweeteners are "engineered" to mess with your central nervous system in order to fuel the lucrative "psych med" industry - the big racket of antidepressant, anti-anxiety, painkilling pills? Aspartame is the excrement of E. coli, didn't you know? So then, maybe it is a pest-killer after all. (http://www.sciencedaily.com) Never live in denialIt's time to face the facts: Herbicide, fungicide and algaecide are all forms of pesticides, because they kill pests. Don't let them confuse you with scientific terms and new names for the same old poison that leads to cancer and a host of other disorders, ailments, diseases and malfunctions of the central nervous system. That's why bees can't find their colonies. That's why rats get huge tumors and die early. This is the war on cancer. Fight and win it, or you can simply ignore it and lose. Ignorance is not bliss. Organic is the path to health and wellness.Many people live in denial or just plain laziness. They don't want to learn the truth, because it seems overwhelming, but what is really overwhelming is chemotherapy, radiation and unnecessary surgery. These "processes" of cancer removal and treatment are short-term if you just keep consuming carcinogenic food - toxic food that warps your cells and leads to MORE cancer. It makes sense to filter toxins from your daily intake. It's not that difficult. Check out the free smart phone app called "Fooducate." It enables you to scan the barcodes of food products right there in the grocery aisle and determine instantly if foods are GMO, contain questionable ingredients, or are just plain "rotten" for your health. Rate the food that you eat and don't eat garbage. (http://fooducate.com) Remember, garbage in - garbage out! Don't eat cancer and it won't eat you! (http://programs.webseed.com) This has been a public service announcement from the health enthusiasts who care about human health and sustainable living. Live long and prosper! Sources for this article include: http://www.ewg.org http://programs.webseed.com http://www.breathing.com http://www.naturalnews.com http://www.naturalnews.com http://www.sciencedaily.com http://topdocumentaryfilms.com http://fooducate.com http://www.naturalnews.com http://science.naturalnews.com |
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043444_pesticide_consumption_standard_American_diet_poison.html#ixzz2pwY1u1DK
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