Friday, September 28, 2012

All about milk

Whey Protein Concentrate: A Brief Summary

By Dr. Michael Colgan
On average, high quality milk is 27 percent protein, 37 percent lactose (milk sugar), and 30 percent fat.  The remaining 6 percent is calcium, other minerals, and ash.
Thus, what is called “4 percent milk” or “whole milk” is a high fat food, because the percentage determination includes the water, and milk is mainly water.  Its label is largely a commercial fiction.  It is not a prime food, especially when trying to increase muscle or to reduce body fat.
What is called “2 percent milk” still contains more fat and more lactose than protein.  It is not a prime food either.
Skim milk has near zero fat but still contains a high amount of lactose. Skim milk powder, which some people use in cooking and as a low-fat protein source, is the worst of milk, because more than half of it is lactose.
Up to 30 percent of adults have varying degrees of allergic responses to lactose, because lactase, its digesting enzyme in the gut, declines rapidly during childhood. Humans and their pets are the only adult animals that drink milk.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bovine growth hormone (rBGH ) in our diary products safe or not?

Monsanto produced a hormone under name of Posilac and marketed to farmers to increase milk production of cows. This is done by inserting Ecoli bacteria into cow genes which in turns increase milk production.... AND more mastititis (breast/utter infections) and more pus in the milk. Thus the cow is treated with more antibiotics which end up in the the milk you drink, and of course rBGH.
rBGH increases IGF1 which in people and increase in IGF1 causes more breast and prostate cancer. There is an increase in milkduct breast cancer in the US because of rBGH. Twenty-seven (27)  countries have banned this to include Europe and Japan and Australia.
The bottom line is US will continue to use as long as people buy the product, and remove if they don't...the bottom line is $$$$. Our job is to tell others and tell the store you won't buy their products if they contain rBGH and go somewhere else. Currently Trader Joes has cheese that state that there is no difference with or without it. Starbucks and Walmart interestingly enough have banned it.

Cow with mastitis

GMO's: Roundup ready crops-why they are harmful to YOU!

Roundup is a broad spectrum herbacide whose main ingredient is Glyphosate. This herbacide  kills weeds so crops can grow.
BUT this is how it works.
It chelates or binds/hugs all the nutrients in the plant so it becomes weak and is subject to starvation, leading it to become sick, so that the bacteria and diseases in the soil can kill the plant.
GMO food has been sprayed with this herbacide and then the animals eat the food that is nutritionally deficient. Up the food chain, humans eat the plants and the animals that are nutritionally deficient and that have the residue of Glyphosate which end up in our bodies. This  further chelates other nutrients in our bodies making them less available, so we become weak and sick.

What to most lifestock eat?  

Roundup ready crops: corn, soy, canola meal, sugar beet, cottonseed, and now alfalfa....all GMOs!

Watch this movie before it's taken off You Tube!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Take fish oil while you can...

Scientists reel in secrets of fish oil


Linked to better memory and muscle strength

fish oil isolated on whiteFotolia image  25176338

fish oil isolated on whiteFotolia image 25176338

Scientists may have worked out whether fish oils really do protect memory, boost muscle strength and aid recovery from heart attacks — and if so, how they do it.
A study by Aberdeen University, published last week, showed that regular exercise and doses of fish oil could ward off natural muscle wastage in people over 40, who typically lose 0.5 per cent to 2 per cent of muscle strength each year.
In the study two groups of women in their late sixties went regularly to the gym. One group, which took fish oil as a dietary supplement, boosted muscle strength by 20 per cent; for the group going without the figure was 11 per cent.
Another study, published in the journal Biology of Sport, could help explain that effect. Researchers at Paraiba Federal University in Brazil found that soldiers who took fish oils while undergoing intensive physical training suffered far less muscle inflammation. The same effect could be at work in the brain.
In a third study, at the Rhode Island hospital’s Alzheimer’s disease and memory disorders centre, scientists found a strong link between fish oil and cognitive function in older people.
The investigation followed 819 elderly volunteers for three years, 117 of whom took fish oil and all of whom were given MRI brain scans. An association was apparent between fish oil supplements and increased brain volume.
One idea is that the oils reduced the inflammation often found in elderly brains.
Lori Daiello, an assistant professor of neurology at Brown University, Rhode Island, who led the research, said: “We found a significant positive association between fish oil supplement use and average brain volumes in two critical areas utilized in memory and thinking. In other words, fish oil use was associated with less brain shrinkage.”
A separate Canadian study published recently found that when rats were fed fish oil it accumulated in their brains and promoted better communication between cells.
However, a recent report from the Marine Conservation Society predicted a shortage of fish oil possibly within two to three years, and recommended that manufacturers look to plants for a substitute.
The Times, London
©Times Newspapers Ltd. 2012

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

There's arsenic in your rice!

Arsenic in Your Rice
Consumer Reports recently released new research that found high levels of arsenic in rice as well as other rice products such as rice breakfast cereals, rice baby cereal and rice pasta. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, arsenic is a Group 1 carcinogen known to cause bladder, lung and skin cancer. Consumer Reports tested more than 200 samples of rice products — traditional and organic, notable brands and store bands — and found significant levels of arsenic levels in all of them.
Popular brands tested in the study included Goya, Uncle Ben’s, Gerber, General Mills, Kellogg’s and Quaker. The study found that consuming a single serving of rice could contain one and a half times more arsenic than drinking a day’s worth of water containing arsenic at 5 parts per billion — the Environmental Protection Agency’s originally proposed limit for arsenic in drinking water.
So how does arsenic get in rice? While the USA Rice Foundation is claiming arsenic is a “a naturally occurring element in soil and water,” Consumer Reportsstated that humans are mainly to blame. U.S. agricultural and industrial producers have used about 1.6 million tons of arsenic since 1910, making the United States the world’s leading arsenic user. We use arsenic for a variety ofpurposes, such as to treat lumber and to manufacture glass.  Also, the practices we use to make more food faster and cheaper cause arsenic to contaminate rice. For example, arsenical pesticides and fertilizers linger in the soil, while animals are fed food-containing arsenic to make them plumper.
Cows feeding on rice.


You are not hungry!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Study Finds Isagenix Superior to Leading “Heart Healthy” Diet

Study Finds Isagenix Superior to Leading “Heart Healthy” Diet

Dr. Krista Varady discusses clinical research on Isagenix products.
The highly anticipated results are in—Isagenix products are superior to a leading “heart healthy” dietary plan for weight loss and visceral fat loss. The manuscript has been submitted to two peer-reviewed journals and is still under review; however, you can read more details about the study on our clinical research summary and marketing flyer.
Krista Varady, Ph.D., the lead investigator of the study, is a prolific researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Applied Sciences with more than 30 peer-reviewed research publications. She has a Ph.D. in nutrition from McGill University—one of the top universities in Canada. Dr. Varady has devoted much of her time to investigating the ability of weight-management strategies to decrease cardiovascular disease risk and is one of the pioneers in research on alternate-day and intermittent fasting. Continue reading 

Where's the bacon?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

GMO food grows tumors and develops liver and kidney damage

From a recent GMO study:
 "Scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females."

The Daily Mail reported, "Fresh row over GM foods as French study claims rats fed the controversial crops suffered tumors." (

It goes on to say: "The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group."

The study, led by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen, was the first ever study to examine the long-term (lifetime) effects of eating GMOs. You may find yourself thinking it is absolutely astonishing that no such studies were ever conducted before GM corn was approved for widespread use by the USDA and FDA, but such is the power of corporate lobbying and corporate greed.

Learn more:

Reduce your blood pressure naturally...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kids Are What They Eat

Kids Are What They Eat

It’s never too late for parents to encourage healthy eating habits in children.
By Andrea Frank Henkart, MA, CNC – A modified excerpt fromIsagenix For Healthy Moms and Kids  in recognition of National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Most kids today live in a fast-food world from which they can’t escape. The teacher gives out candy for good behavior, the coach throws celebratory pizza and soda parties, the doctor offers lollipops if they don’t cry, and parents-in-a-rush often prefer the convenience of a drive-thru. A study from the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation showed that 34 percent of all food advertisements targeting kids are for candy and snacks. Of the nearly 9,000 ads reviewed during the five months covered by the study, none were for fruits or vegetables. Health in America has fallen by the wayside. Continue reading 

Superhero Nutrients for Your Aging Brain

Superhero Nutrients for Your Aging Brain

Meet the superhero nutrients in Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal.
Because of our aging population, research in brain health has been expansive, looking for powerhouse compounds that can put an end to cognitive decline. Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal is on the forefront of science, providing nutrients that have been shown to support mental focus, concentration, decision making, and memory function by maintaining normal metabolic activity in the brain. This proprietary formula, created in collaboration with Michael Colgan, Ph.D., includes powerful ingredients that have been clinically proven to enhance brain health.
Meet the superheroes of Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal and their special powers to fight cognitive decline and promote healthy aging: Continue reading 

Why Healthy Aging Starts with Your Brain (Webinar)

Why Healthy Aging Starts with Your Brain (Webinar)

How important is your brain to you? Its size may only represent about 3 pounds, yet its importance as an organ goes far beyond that. Although our brains control all functions of the body, most of us do too little for the health of our brains. By age 35, the majority of us will have some premature brain aging that may lead to progressive decline. Much of that decline is due to changes throughout the brain caused by several factors, among them are oxidative stress, cellular reactivity, and glycation.
In recognition of September as Healthy Aging Month, we’ve posted a webinar created by Michael Colgan, Ph.D, entitled “The Isagenix Brain and Sleep Support System Presentation.” In the presentation, you’ll learn more about what happens to the brain as you age and what you can do about it. You’ll also learn about the results of a pilot clinical study on the Isagenix Brain and Sleep Support System that showed significant cognitive improvement on normal healthy subjects. In only 60 days, the subjects improved memory function, brain speed, balance, and decision making.

Why New Zealand Whey? Grain fed cows are sick!

Why Use New Zealand Whey? Grain-Fed Cows Are Sick

Which whey protein is right for you? With Isagenix, the answer is easy. See our “Which Whey Protein is Right for You?” PDF flyer by clicking here or on the image to the left.
If the old saying, “you are what you eat,” is right, you will rethink consuming products from grain-fed cows. A new study shows that cows fed high-grain diets have a higher incidence of metabolic disorders related to the build-up of several toxic and inflammatory compounds as well as changes in amino acid profiles in their digestive fluids compared to cows on low-grain diets. Having these metabolic complications (and the need for antibiotic use) negatively affects the quality of dairy products produced, including the whey protein found in milk.Continue reading 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Garlic, just crush it!

Civil rights should apply to everyone!

My Civil Rights

The worksheet said because of Dr King's work, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave equal rights to all people. I am a person. I want these rights. I want to go to school in my neighborhood. Why can't I?
Today I read about Martin Luther King.
The worksheet said because of Dr King’s work, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave equal rights to all people.
I am a person.
I want these rights.
I want to go to school in my neighborhood.
Why can’t I?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

all protein bars created equal/healthy?

Credit: Shutterstock
Why you think they’re healthy: It’s become the standard rule of thumb that working out regularly and eating protein bars go hand in hand. But, unless you’re diligent about exercising (doing a lot of cardio), and using protein bars correctly, they aren’t going to offer anything more than unneeded carbs.
The truth: Not all protein bars are created equal. While some may make you feel full, since they contain protein, they also tend to be crammed with unhealthy fats, sugars, high-fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. “Some protein bars are nothing more than a glorified candy bar,” says Simpson, adding that several contain more protein than the body can physically digest, which can have a dehydrating effect.
A better choice: “An ideal protein bar has 10 to 15 grams of protein and a base of seeds, nuts, spirulina, rice or organic whey; is free of artificial sweetener; has at least two grams of fiber; and has equal amounts or more than twice the amount of carbs as it does protein,” says Pomroy. 
For healthy whey protein bars:
ISALEAN® BAR—A delicious, low-calorie, low-glycemic, nutritionally complete 
meal alternative that’s convenient for people on the go. 
Same benefits as the IsaLean® Shake.
Contains high-quality whey protein, healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates for lasting energy.
Helps reduce cravings and keeps you feeling satisfied for hours.
Exclusive New Zealand whey protein concentrate with a higher amino acid
profile and lower lactose levels for easier digestion.
Chocolate Cream Crisp, Chocolate Peanut Crunch, Lemon Passion Crunch
and Chocolate Decadence.

Is this really healthy?

Why you think it’s healthy: Touted as a natural sugar, low-glycemic agave nectar is sourced from the agave plant—the same one that tequila is made from.
The truth: Just like sugar, agave nectar makes food taste sweet. But, here’s the kicker: In order for agave nectar to act as a sweetener, it has to be boiled down and concentrated, turning it into a liquid form of sugar— almost all types of agave nectar have the same consistency as honey. “In its pure form, agave nectar is very low in sugar and has a slow rate of delivery, or glycemic rate,” says Pomroy. “But heating, processing and concentrating the sweet part of it gives agave nectar a 90- percent fructose concentration.” Adds Simpson, “It’s basically 100-percent sugar, and its calorie content is the same as any other sugar product.”
A better choice: Use raw honey, coconut sugar, xylitol or stevia instead. Both honey and stevia, natural sweeteners, are best to substitute for agave nectar since they contain fewer calories and are natural, meaning the body can break them down better. 

So you think you are eating healthy???

Why you think it’s healthy: Salmon is salmon, right? Wrong. When it comes to salmon and other fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, it’s best to stick to organic varieties.
The truth: “Farm-raised salmon is housed in pens and confined to overcrowded conditions, which increases the risk of infection and disease,” says Simpson. Farm-raised salmon is usually full of antibiotics, which kill its nutritional value. “They have high levels of chemicals said to cause everything from birth defects to hormonal imbalances,” explains Pomroy. Unlike wild salmon that are naturally red (a reflection of their antioxidant content), farm salmon is usually dyed.
A better choice: Look for wild salmon. Sticking to fish that is not overly bred or held in captivity makes for a healthier selection. “Wild salmon caught in the cold waters of Alaska are said to be the cleanest and have the highest concentration of good fat,” says Pomroy.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why eat Artichokes?

By Sheryl Walters

Artichokes, which can be eaten or taken as artichoke leaf extract, have been shown to improve various digestive health disorders. They significantly lower blood cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease and atherosclerosis, enhance detoxification reactions, as well as protect the liver from damage.


The artichoke is a thistle-like plant native to the regions of southern Europe, North Africa and the Canary Islands. The most powerful part of the plant medicinally is its leaves.

The artichoke is one of the oldest medicinal plants dating back to 4th century B.C. Ancient Greeks and Romans used the artichoke for digestive problems. In the 16th century, artichokes were documented as a treatment for liver problems and jaundice. It was not until the 20th century that it became widely popular as a delicious food and a useful medicine.

Health Benefits

Clinical and experimental trials have shown that eating artichokes may be useful in treating chronic digestive complaints including irritable stomach, nervous gastropathy, flatulence, and irritable bowel.

They are useful in treating specific liver/gallbladder conditions with elevated blood fat values by promoting bile flow in the body, increasing fat digestion and protecting the intestinal mucosa. Bile acids stimulate intestinal peristalsis resulting in better digestion. Bile moves toxins that are ingested through food, water and the air from the liver on to the intestine for further elimination, making it a powerful detoxer.

Artichokes have been proven through clinical studies to be a safe, non-toxic, natural way to prevent and treat high cholesterol. They increase the breakdown of cholesterol to bile salts, thus increasing bile production and flow, and regulate the internal production of cholesterol in the liver.

Artichokes have been shown to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). One study showed a decrease in total cholesterol of 18.5 and LDL cholesterol by 23. This amazing plant had actually gained widespread popularity in the 1950`s and 60`s before statin drugs came along. They contain high amounts of luteolin, which is known to play a role in it cholesterol lowering abilities.

Artichokes are packed with antioxidants, making them incredible defenders against cancer, aging, heart disease, and illness. They boost the immune system and lower cholesterol.

Artichokes are packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that increase health and wellbeing. These include:


An anti-carcinogen flavonoid that works as an antioxidant to protect against cancer and heart disease.


A flavonoid which promotes cardiovascular health, helps prevent cell proliferation associated with cancer, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties.


Color pigments in Artichokes that are powerful antioxidants. They are associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, urinary tract health, memory function and healthy aging.

Gallic Acid

A potent antioxidant also found in red wine and black tea. It has been shown to inhibit cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells.

Luteolin and Cynarin

Very powerful polyphenol antioxidants that may lower cholesterol levels. Artichokes are very concentrated in cyanarin, which may also help in regeneration of liver tissue.

Caffeic Acid and Chlorogenic Acid

Contains anti-cancer, antimicrobial, anti-LDL (bad cholesterol) and antiviral properties.


A powerful antioxidant that may aid the liver in regenerative tissue growth.

One artichoke contains approximately one fourth of the average adult`s daily fiber requirements. It is also packed with vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and magnesium!!

Growth Hormone boosts Cognition-how to increase your GH

Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) exert potent effects on brain function, but their levels decrease with advancing age.  Previously, a number of studies suggest that elevating levels of these hormones in people at risk for cognitive impairment might prevent mental decline or improve function.  Laura Baker, from the University of Washington School of Medicine (Washington, USA), and colleagues enrolled 152 adults, ages 55 to 87 years, including 66 with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Those taking GHRH exhibit a significant improvement in overall cognition that was comparable among both healthy participants and those with MCI. Importantly, GHRH significantly improved executive function, and appeared to improve verbal memory as well. Further, GHRH also reduced body fat by 7.4% .  Reporting that adverse events were mild, the study authors conclude that: "Twenty weeks of [growth hormone-releasing hormone] administration had favorable effects on cognition in both adults with [mild cognitive impairment] and healthy older adults. “You can boost your growth hormone (GH) by getting sleep between 10pm and 4am each night. The peak hour is usually around 2am. You must be in a deep sleep for your body to produce GH. If you don't get deep sleep or have trouble getting to sleep, her is the answer.

go to to purchase

Spice ingredient in curry emerges as promising basis for an Alzheimer's disease medicine

The spice compound that gives curry dishes their yellow color and pungent flavor is emerging as a prime candidate for a less expensive treatment for Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to an article in the current edition of Chemical & Engineering News. C&EN is the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society.
Lauren K. Wolf, C&EN associate editor, explains that pharmaceutical companies have invested heavily in developing new drugs for AD. More than 5 million people in the U.S. alone already have that memory-robbing disease. Projections suggest that the number will rise to 16 million by 2050. New medications are in the pipeline, but the most advanced candidates, made of monoclonal antibodies, are expensive to produce and may cost tens of thousands of dollars annually to treat each patient.
As a result, scientists are seeking less-pricey alternatives, such as substances that can be extracted in abundant amounts from plant compounds. One of the most promising is curcumin, a spice compound extracted from the rootstalks of the turmeric plant. The article details scientific evidence about curcumin's potential and the hurdles that chemists must overcome to craft it into a drug. For instance, only tiny amounts of powdered curcumin taken by mouth get into the blood, let alone the brain.
The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 164,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.
To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Save Your Brain

Don’t wait: You may forget you ever made the plan
Dr Michael Colgan 5 September 2012
For the last 14 months I have been writing about our research on an advanced brain supplement. The supplement is finally done, tested in clinical trials, found effective in improving cognitive functions in normal healthy people, and is now available for use. I am travelling continuously until December lecturing about our work on it.
Isagenix associates check your back office for dates. If you can, attend one of the coming ISA-Universities in Toronto, Phoenix, or Kansas City, where I will be presenting some of the amazing studies supporting the new Isagenix Brain and Sleep Support System.
If you have not yet experienced Isagenix, go to where my staff will enrol you as one of our Personal Preferred Customers. You will get access to these products at special prices, priority access to all the new anti-aging research we are doing, and the chance to get tickets to stellar events in brain science.
Over the next year I will be writing a series of short articles on the research. The first one is below. If you want to keep your marbles, and improve them …..
The Importance of Sleep
Dr Michael Colgan 5 September 2012
Sleep is an active physiological process programmed into the human body by the day-night cycle of the revolution of the Earth. The sleep cycle controls hundreds of functions of the body for one-third of your entire life. Without sleep you would quickly die. Controlled studies of human survival training show that, given sufficient water, sleep is more important than food in maintaining physical and mental performance.(1)
Five important health functions that occur almost entirely, during sleep are; memory consolidation, organ repair, neurogenesis, brain development, and muscle recovery and growth.(2-6) That is why we made sound sleep an important component of the Isagenix Brain and Sleep Support System.
Melatonin Improves Sleep
The pineal gland, the “third eye” of legend, is a little clump of tissue that sits way back in the center of your brain about level with the top of your eyes. In 1958, Aaron Lerner at Yale University discovered that the pineal gland secretes a powerful hormone, which he named melatonin.(7)
Since 1970, more than 100 controlled studies have shown clearly that melatonin supplementation, can reset the internal circadian clock and improve both the duration and the quality of sleep. Taken in the correct form, dose, and timing, it helps people who have difficulty falling asleep. it maintains sleep for longer, and it enables those who wake too early to fall back to sleep again.(8)
Melatonin Supports Neurogenesis
Melatonin’s control of the temporal patterning of neural and endocrine functions in the brain is so strong it is now considered a major organizer of cognition.(9-12) Almost all neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons) occurs in the brain during sleep. Neurogenesis declines dramatically with sleep deprivation. Recent research indicates that supplementary melatonin can improve circadian synchronization and increase neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus the essential area of the brain for formation of memories.(13,14)
Melatonin Declines with Age
Our ability to make melatonin declines rapidly with age. In the North American population today, melatonin levels decline below what many scientists believe is optimal by about age 35.(15) Without sufficient melatonin, you gradually lose the temporal organization of your sleep, causing progressive sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbance accelerates aging of your organs, especially your brain. The Isagenix Sleep supplement contains the most potent forms of immediate and time-release melatonin together with relaxing L theanine, valerian and chamomile. It potentiates the Isagenix Brain Support System to provide the best brain support available anywhere.
1. Ståhle L, Ståhle EL, Granström E, Isaksson S, Annas P, Sepp H. Effects of sleep or food deprivation during civilian survival training on cognition, blood glucose and 3-OH-butyrate. Wilderness Environ Med. 2011 Sep;22(3):202-10.
2. Rojansky N, et al. Seasonality in human reproduction: An update. Human Reproduction, 1992;7:735-745.
3. Reiter RJ. Melatonin. New York: Bantam Books, 1995.
4. Dubocovich ML. Melatonin receptors: role on sleep and circadian rhythm regulation. Sleep Med 2007; 8Suppl(3): 34–42.
5. Tononi G, Cirelli C. Sleep function and synaptic homeostasis. Sleep Med Rev. 2006;10(1):49–62.
6. Dinges DF. The state of sleep deprivation: from functional biology to functional consequences. Sleep Med Rev. 2006;10(5):303–5.
7. Lerner AB, Case JD. Melatonin. Fed Proc, 1960;19:590-592.
8. Dubocovich ML. Melatonin receptors: role on sleep and circadian rhythm regulation. Sleep Med 2007; 8Suppl(3): 34–42.
9. Crowley SJ, Lee C, Tseng CY, Fogg LF, Eastman CI. Combinations of bright light, scheduled dark, sunglasses, and melatonin to facilitate circadian entrainment to night shift work. J Biol Rhythms 2003; 18:513–523.
10. Maestroni G. The immunoendocrine role of melatonin. J Pineal Res, 1993;14:1-10.
11. Holmes MM, Galea LA, Mistlberger RE, Kempermann G. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and voluntary running activity: circadian and dose-dependent effects. J Neurosci Res 2004;76:216–222.
12. Mueller AD, Pollock MS, Lieblich SE, Epp JR, Galea LA, Mistlberger RE. Sleep deprivation can inhibit adult hippocampal neurogenesis independent of adrenal stress hormones. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2008;294:R1693–R1703.
13. Oxidative damage in the central nervous system: protection by melatonin. Prog Neurobiol 1998;56:359–384.
14. Ramirez-Rodriguez G, Ortíz-López L, Domínguez-Alonso A, Benítez-King GA, Kempermann G. Chronic treatment with melatonin stimulates dendrite maturation and complexity in adult hippocampal neurogenesis of mice. J Pineal Res. 2011 Jan;50(1):29-37.
15. Colgan M, Colgan LA. The Perimenopause Solution. Vancouver: Science Books, 2009.

Anti-inflammatory Foods

Guide to buying grass fed beef

grass fed beef
grass fed beef
RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—When you buy beef from the grocery store, you can usually tell that there's some kind of beef encased in all that plastic and styrofoam. You also know what cut of beef you're getting. But as for details on what you're actually eating, packages are not very informative. That will all change when the same "Nutrition Facts" panel that appears on milk, eggs, and every other packaged food at the grocery store will start appearing on packages of beef, as well as poultry and pork, a new USDA rule that will take full effect in January 2012. But what those labels won't tell you is whether your meat contains residues of rBGH or rBST growth hormones or whether it contains trace amounts of the 30 million pounds of antibiotics used on livestock every year. They won't give you a good idea of where your meat came from or how the animals were treated prior to slaughter, nor will they tell you about an animal's diet, which can impact the health of the animal as well as whether it's meat is contaminated with E. coli. If you care about all those things—as well as the nutritional quality of your beef—it's best to avoid the supermarket and buy grass-fed beef directly from a farmer, says Shannon Hayes, a partner at Sap Bush Hollow Farm in upstate New York and the founder of "Either know a local natural-food store owner who knows how beef is produced, or know the farmer directly," she says. "Trust is the only thing that's going to assure your meat was produced ethically." Grass-fed beef has also been found to contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and is typically leaner than it's corn-fattened counterpart behind the market's deli counter (those are some nutrition facts that won't appear on the new labels, either).
However, savvy marketers have come up with some creative terminology to convince you that conventionally produced meat is as good as truly pasture-raised, grass-fed beef.
"Grass-fed" versus "Pastured" versus "Free-Range"
Catering to the public's desire for more ecofriendly meat-production processes, companies have started stamping labels on foodthat don't always mean what you think they do.
"Grass-fed" is a term for which the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) actually has a legal definition. Only meat from "ruminant" animals—animals that survive on grass, such as cattle and sheep—can be labeled grass-fed. (So if you ever see eggs or pork with "grass-fed" on the package, buy another brand.) The animals have to be fed a diet of grass, hay, and forage their entire lives, and be provided access to pasture. However, as with most government rules, there's a downside. Any farmer using that term before the new definition was established could be grandfathered in, regardless of whether he or she now complies with the new rule. "A lot of farmers refuse to participate in this program because we feel the standards aren't strict enough," says Hayes.
The USDA doesn't have any legal definition for "Pastured," but Hayes says it typically means that animals are outside eating grass but are also fed grain. "Usually, the label is applied to omnivorous animals that need something in addition to grass to survive," she adds, such as pigs, turkeys, and chickens.
"Free-range" is a term the USDA has defined vaguely for poultry but not at all for beef. "Grass-fed and pastured animals are by nature free-range," says Hayes. However, the reverse isn't true, so the term may not mean what you're picturing. "I've seen 1,000 chickens crammed onto a barn floor and they were considered 'free-range.' The barn door opened, and they had access to a feces-laden concrete pad," she adds.
On larger-scale farms, however, even with organics, it's more efficient to ready an entire herd to be slaughtered all at once, she says. USDA organic-certification rules permit farmers to fatten a grass-fed herd up with corn, soy, or other grain-based feed, provided that it's organic, which isn't a practice some small farmers agree with.
"You've eliminated all the health benefits [of grass-fed beef] in three months when you finish them with grain," says Jo Robinson, founder of the online meat Feeding grain to cattle, she says, increases the acidity of an animal's stomach, increasing the levels of bacteria, including E. coli, in their guts. So it's best to look for "grass-finished" beef, but even that can be tricky, since it's not a common term and most farmers who grass-finish their beef don't usually advertise it, says Hayes. The best way to know is to simply ask.