Friday, May 31, 2013

Some Great Properties of Vitamin C

  1. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, capable of voraciously quenching reactive oxygen species (it’s added to food products for their protection from oxidative damage).
  2. Vitamin C is required in the manufacture of collagen; hence we age and get wrinkly when we are deficient.
  3. It is a powerful anti-microbial. Large IV doses of vitamin C have saved the lives of countless individuals with septicemia and similar overwhelming infections.
  4. Vitamin C is a powerful detoxer. Anyone encountering chemicals (or viral or bacterial toxins) needs the protection of vitamin C.
  5. Vitamin C is a vigorous anti-cancerous agent, with demonstrable cytotoxic effects at doses which leave human cells unharmed (around 3 mg per 100 mL)
  6. Vitamin C is found in high concentrations in immune cells, and is consumed quickly during infections. It is not certain how vitamin C interacts with the immune system; it has been hypothesized to modulate the activities of phagocytes, the production of cytokines and lymphocytes, and the number of cell adhesion molecules in monocytes.
  7. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, which is why I found it so good for allergics. It both prevents histamine release and increases the detoxification of histamine. A 1992 study found that taking 2 grams vitamin C daily lowered blood histamine levels 38% in healthy adults in just one week!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ten ways to live until 100 yrs old

By Dr. Lissa Rankin 
May 30, 2013 3:00 PM EDT 

Stamatis Moraitis was living in the United States, when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had only nine months to live. He considered taking his doctor’s advice – aggressive chemotherapy that might prolong his life, but wouldn’t cure him. But upon reflection, he decided to decline it, choosing instead to return to Ikaria, the Greek island where he grew up, where he could be buried with his ancestors in a graveyard overlooking the Aegean Sea. 

He and his wife moved into a small house on a vineyard with his elderly parents, where he expected he would die soon. While he prepared to die, he started going to his old church. He reconnected with friends over a bottle or two of wine. He even planted vegetables in a garden, not expecting he’d be around to harvest them. He basked in sunshine, savored the salty air, and relished in his love for this wife. 

Six months passed, and not only did Stamatis not die, he was actually feeling better than ever. He started working in the vineyard during the day, making himself useful, and in the evenings, he’d play dominos with friends. 

45 years later, Stamatis is now 98 years old. At one point, 25 years after his diagnosis, Stamatis went back to the United States to ask his doctors what had happened. Apparently, his doctors were all dead. 

Stamatis’s story is just one of many like the case studies of spontaneous remission I share in my New York Times bestselling book Mind Over Medicine. But are cases like this just flukes? Or are there proactive steps we can take to recover from illness and live to be 100? 

The New York Times article "The Island Where People Forget To Die" describes the Ikarians, a population of Greeks like Stamatis who frequently live to be over a hundred years old. What can we learn from the people of Ikaria about how to live long, happy, productive lives? 

Here are some of the longevity-inducing factors researchers ferreted out from studying this population of centenarians: 

1. Sleep in and take naps. 

A 2008 study conducted by the University of Athens Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health studied more than 23,000 Greeks and found that occasional napping was associated with a 12% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. But regular napping — at least three days weekly — was associated with a 37% reduction. Zzzz’s, anyone? 

2. Stop worrying about being late. 

Arrive whenever you get there – and let others do the same. Worrying about when you arrive triggers “fight or flight” stress responses that can reduce your life expectancy. 

3. Grow a garden, nurture it, and eat from it. 

Eat plants, avoid animal products, consume lots of olive oil, avoid processed foods, and drink wine in the company of good friends. Need inspiration and recipes? Read Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Kitchen. 

4. Never give up your sense of purpose. 

Finding and fulfilling your calling throughout your lifetime can extend your life. In fact, studies have linked early retirement to reduced life expectancy. In Okinawa, another community where many people live to be older than 100, people embrace the notion of ikigai — “the reason for which you wake up in the morning. ” 

It gets centenarians out of bed and off the sofa so they can make a difference in the community. The Nicoyans in Costa Rica use the term plan de vida to describe a lifelong sense of purpose. Dr. Robert Butler, the first director of the National Institute on Aging, says that being able to define your life meaning adds to your life expectancy. 

5. Get it on. 

A study of Ikarian men between 65 and 100 found that 80% of them claimed to have sex regularly, and a quarter of that self-reported group said they were doing so with “good duration” and “achievement.” Go dudes! For more proof that sex isn’t just fun, it’s good for your health, read this. 

6. Take a placebo at least once per day. 

Ikarians take a spoonful of honey every morning. They believe it is their “medicine” and use it for both prevention and treatment of illness and injury. They also regularly consume a homemade tea made of a special blend of herbs they believe extends their lives. 

While there may be some health benefit the Ikarians enjoy from the honey and herbs themselves, chances are good that the stress-relieving, relaxation-inducing effects of the positive belief they associate with the honey and tea are more potent medicine than the honey and tea themselves. For more proof that placebos really can heal your body, read this. 

7. Walk up 20 hills a day. 

To get around the island, Ikarians walk. And it’s hilly where they live. Exercise isn’t something they do at the gym. It’s an enjoyable, built in part of their lifestyle. 

8. Cultivate a sense of belonging. 

As I wrote in this blog post, finding your tribe, alleviating loneliness, and feeling like part of a community can cut your risk of heart disease in half and extend your life up to 10 years. Be part of a community where you fit in. Ikarians live in multigenerational homes and avoid spending too much time alone. And researchers have proven that being part of a nurturing community is more important to good health than quitting smoking or starting to exercise. 

9. Go to the church, temple, or mosque. 

Studies show that gathering as part of a spiritual community can extend your life up to 14 years. 

10. Surround yourself with people who follow steps 1-9. 

The more you surround yourself with people engaged in whole health-inducing behaviors, the more it becomes part of your culture. If, however, you surround yourself with beer-guzzling, obese couch potato loners, it’s easier to become one yourself. When you surround yourself with healthy, inspiring people, you’re way more likely to live to be 100. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Fluoride has been a topic of great debate. We have a culture in our medical and dental community that claims the use of this chemical is healthy and necessary for ensuring healthy teeth.  This opinion is based on scientific evidence that has been conducted by the very industry that profits from the use of this chemical in our lives.
On the other hand, there is a wealth of scientific data that supports the opinion that fluoride is toxic to the young and developed human body. This scientific evidence has no profit to gain or lose in conducting and communicating this important science. No matter the position, the use of fluoride is pervasive and enforced on the general public through our water supply across many cities in America.
I have decided that I do not want to ingest fluoride, nor do I want my child to ingest fluoride. Making the decision to stop ingesting fluoride is easy. But how do you remove the fluoride you’ve already ingested?
It’s important to first understand where fluoride goes once it enters your body. Fluoride accumulates in the body and is attracted to our teeth, bones and brain. Specifically the Pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain. Studies conducted in the 1990’s in England showed that the Pineal Gland absorbs more fluoride than any other area of the body, even the bones.   The Pineal Gland is responsible mainly for producing melatonin, which regulates our sleep patterns, regulates mood and in children under 7, minimizes sexual development, aiding in the body’s growth into maturity.
While there are many proposed methods of removing fluoride from the body, there are 3 main ways to remove toxins from all areas of the body, including the brain. The blood is the system by which all toxins are distributed and is the same system that aids the body in cleansing and removing toxins. Therefore, cleaning the blood is highly productive in the detoxification of the entire body.
The fastest method of removal is fasting. This has been a popular weight loss technique, simply because weight gain is an over abundance of toxins stored in the fat cells of the body. The same is true for toxins that accumulate in areas of the body that do not show physical signs, like big thighs.
When fasting, the body’s digestive system is taking a break, allowing the blood to distribute cleansing to the body and work to maximum potential, while the digestive system rests. Digesting food takes a lot of work and when you allow this to rest, the body can work diligently in other areas. Moving nutrients to the blood stream quickly and effectively.
Fasting can be done for several days or several weeks. Each person will be different in the level of fasting they can tolerate. However long the fast, there are side effects. Toxins leaving the body cause many symptoms including, but not limited to, headaches, feeling tired and lacking energy, mood swings, nausea, diarrhea and a host of other symptoms like skin rashes. The more toxic the body is, the more intense the detox symptoms will be.
Fasting means no eating. It means turning off your digestive system. The body still wants nourishment and should be adequately stimulated with pure water and/or fresh juice. The body is 72% water, so the average person should consume at least 1 gallon of distilled liquids each day during a fast. Distilled liquids are a key element to cleansing the body.
Pure (distilled) water and juice from vegetables and fruits carries cleaning agents through the blood so that inorganic material (like fluoride, aluminum, and a variety of other heavy metals and chemicals including radiation) is attracted to the pure waters and washed away from the body.  The organic nutrients in the juice of fruit and vegetables aides in replenishing the body, which would otherwise be accomplished by eating.
If fasting isn’t for you, then simply adding 1 gallon of distilled water and/or fresh vegetable and fruit juice to your daily routine will also clean the body. It simply takes longer than one would accomplish in a fasting period. But it will still aid in removing unwanted toxins from all areas of the body.
The third most effective way to cleanse the pineal gland, where fluoride is most attracted, is through meditating. Meditation has many health benefits, but most importantly it exercises the Pineal Gland, causing the very soft tissue to be activated by the body and flush out the calcification that almost every American has in this part of their brain from over-exposure to fluoride and other heavy metals.
While there are many foods that work to accommodate the same detoxing agents in the body, it is my experience that flushing the body with distiller waters and juices alone or coupled with practicing regular meditation produce faster results and many more beneficial aspects than munching on some nuts or herbs.
By Tricia Davis-Payne


Tonight my head is spinning like a centrifugal juicer after attending a lecture by Joe Cross, star of the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. The movie, which chronicles one man's journey to health through juicing, moved me a few years ago to purchase my first juicer. Which chronicles one man's journey to health through juicing, moved me a few years ago to purchase my first juicer. It began what is now a regular practice of making fresh green juice several times a week and purchasing fresh cold pressed juice around town regularly.
Joe's presentation on both using juicing as a method to "reboot" a sick body and mind and also as a supplement to an overall plant-based, whole foods diet was inspiring and medically very accurate. But why is it that juicing is an effective means of redirecting one's health—whether the goal is vitality, weight loss, or even disease reversal?
Cells in the body require nutrients (i.e. vitamins and minerals) to function optimally. Many of these are referred to asmicronutrients, to distinguish them from the macronutrient classes of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. When cells receive adequate micronutrients, you feel energized and full. On the other hand, many foods provide calories from macronutrients, but are devoid of the essential micronutrients cells crave. These are calorie-dense, nutrition-poor foods and this characterizes most processed foods.
Let's look at a few more reasons why vegetables, legumes, seeds, and nuts are so powerful. They provide:
1. Fiber. 
This is the indigestible portion of plants. Diets high in fiber are associated with lower risks of heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, and obesity. In the Nurses Health Study, one of the longest-running studies of women's health, women who ate more fiber were more likely to live longer. There is fiber in broccoli, beans and other members of the vegetable and fruit families, but none will be found in bagels, burgers and almost all other processed foods.
2. Phytonutrients. 
These are a family of chemicals found only in plants that often give the color to vegetables but also confer many health benefits. Many of these plant-based chemicals are anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, such as the sulforphane found in broccoli. There are perhaps 10,000 of these health-promoting chemicals in the edible plant world. (You'll never find phytonutrients in a bagel.)
3. Antioxidants. 
Many chemicals found in plants confer a resistance to the damage that can occur to the human body from oxygen and the process of metabolism. Just as rust can destroy metal, oxidation can lead to diseased arteries or brain cells, and contributes to diabetes and other conditions. Within plants are chemicals such as carotenoids, polyphenols, and flavonoids that are natural antioxidants.
4. Omega-3 fatty acids. 
These essential fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, are taken into cell membranes and used for the internal workings and repair of cells throughout the body. While seafood can provide Omega-3 fatty acids, they're typically absent from other animal products.  Flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, algae and soy are some of the plant-based foods
photo-16 copySo .... how does this get us back to Joe Cross and juicing? 
The USDA recommends five or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily while Canadian authorities set the bar higher, saying 10 servings a day is optimal.
In order to consistently ingest this large amount of plant-based material, we need to do some planning.
Some ideas to get your greens: preparing large salads, adding greens in soups, and blending smoothies with berries and greens for a power breakfast or a snack. Juicing is just one more tool you can use to build a plant-based nutrition program rich in phytochemicals, and it can make it easier to reach your goal of 5 to 10 servings a day of vegetables.
As Joe Cross said, "If you let people in white lab coats design your food, you'll see people in white coats to treat your disease."

Happy juicing!

Dr. Joel Kahn
Source: MindBodyGreen

Monday, May 27, 2013

Non-toxic Bug Repellent

Looking for an all-natural, non-toxic insect repellent that doesn’t contain the chemicals (like DEET) that most of the commercial brands do? There are many natural, non-toxic ingredients that can be used to make a bug repellent that won’t harm you and your family. Most homemade bug balms and bug sprays utilize the strength of essential oils. The most common essential oils used as bug repellents are:
  • Catnip
  • Cedarwood
  • Cinnamon
  • Citronella
  • Clove
  • Eucalyptus
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Patchouli
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
Note: Some citrus oils, like lemon, also have strong bug repellent properties, but are also considered “phototoxic”, meaning that the skin could damage or burn easily if those oils are applied to the skin and then exposed to any source of ultraviolet (UV) light. In the case of phototoxicity, it depends on the type of oil and how the essential oil has been processed as to whether the oil could cause a phototoxic reaction. Because of this, it is advised to use caution when adding citrus oils to your bug balms and sprays, even though they are strong repellents. If you do add citrus oils to your bug repellants, you should always keep your skin completely covered to avoid UV exposure.
Natural bug repellents are not going to be 100% bugproof, nor are they going to last all day. Rather than spraying yourself once with a commercial DEET-based repellent, you may need to reapply the repellent, depending on how much time you spend outside and how many pests you have in your vicinity. The benefit is that you will avoid exposing your skin and respiratory system to harsh, toxic chemicals that could harm your body. You also gain the benefit of smelling fresh and herby, rather than smelling like bug spray all day. When possible, use standard biting insect precautions, like wearing long sleeves, pants, socks, and shoes, as well as avoiding the times when insects like mosquitoes are most active (dusk to dawn).
Bug Balm Recipe
This recipe makes approximately 4oz (1/2 cup) of bug balm. It can easily be doubled or tripled, depending on how much you need for your family. This makes a very soft balm, almost like a salve, which makes application easier. If you prefer a firmer balm, you can increase the beeswax until you reach the desired texture. Small 2oz jars are the perfect size for a purse, backpack, or diaper bag, but you can use whatever container you have on hand.
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/8 cup shea butter
4 tsp. beeswax granules
12 drops citronella essential oil
8 drops rosemary essential oil
8 drops cedarwood essential oil
8 drops lemongrass essential oil
8 drops eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil
Double boiler
Metal whisk
Metal spoon
Jar(s) for finished salve
Bring the water in your double boiler to a boil and then lower heat to medium-low. Add the coconut oil and shea butter and let the two ingredients melt while whisking together. Add the beeswax and whisk the granules into the coconut oil mixture, until completely melted.
At this point, you can test the mixture for texture. Take the back of a metal spoon and dip it in the liquid. Let the spoon cool until the mixture sets up. Test a small bit on your skin to see if you are happy with the texture. If you want it a little firmer, you can add a little more beeswax (add 1/2 tsp. at a time). If you want it softer, you can add a little more shea butter (add 1/2 tsp. at a time).
Once the mixture is the right texture for your liking, remove the pan from the heat. Let the liquid cool for 3-5 minutes and then whisk in the essential oils. Whisk well to ensure everything is combined. Pour the liquid into your jars. Let cool, uncovered at room temperature, before capping.
You can keep the salve at room temperature for easy application. If the salve is exposed to extreme heat, it can melt or become very soft, so use caution when opening, if the jar has been left in a hot car or the sun.
Essential Oil Safety – Phototoxicity”. West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy.

Kale vs Spinach-which one will you chose?

One needs Vit K to help you absorb your Vit D3

Getting to know FAT

Fat loss involves complex metabolic processes that begin at the cellular level.
Ah, the visual joy of weight loss—your face is more defined, your belly no longer protrudes over the waist of your pants, and parts that used to jiggle are now toned. On the outside, fat loss seems like a fairly simple process. However, what happens in your body during weight loss involves an intricate web of metabolic changes that include structural transformation of fat cells, the breakdown and use of fat for energy, as well as changes in hormone production.
Performing Isagenix Cleanse Days—a combination of intermittent fasting with herbs and vitamins that support detoxification—is an effective approach for weight loss, especially for targeting fat loss. In fact, the UIC study using Isagenix products found that those who follow the Isagenix system had more fat loss and twice as much visceral fat loss than those who followed a “heart healthy” diet.
How does fat loss occur when you incorporate Cleanse Days into your routine? To understand, we’ll have to start with the basics, or Fat 101:
Getting to know fat
Adipose tissue—or body fat—is comprised of millions of fat cells, also called adipocytes, with the average adult having around 40 billion. The weight of adipose tissue is about 20 percent of body weight, making it one of the biggest organs in the body.
Fat can be defined by where it’s found in the body: subcutaneous fat is located just below the surface of the skin while visceral fat is found in the abdominal cavity, surrounding the internal organs. Furthermore, there are two types of adipose tissue: white and brown. White adipose tissue is primarily used as an energy reserve and brown adipose tissue functions to generate heat.
Adipose tissue is a metabolically active organ rather than just an inert mass as many may have guessed. In fact, each depot of the organ even receives its own vascular and nerve supply.
Adipose tissue has been identified as an endocrine organ because of its production of hormones known as adipokines. These signaling proteins influence several important functions including glucose and lipid metabolism, blood coagulation, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and steroid hormone modulation (1). Excessive adipose tissue has been shown to disrupt the normal endocrine functions of fat cells and can negatively affect health through insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids, and even increased cardiovascular disease risk.
Leptin is an adipokine that regulates hunger and appetite by telling the brain, “I’m full!” Although intuition may assume that leptin levels would be low in obese individuals due to chronically excessive food intake, the opposite is true. Leptin has been shown to be tightly related to fat cell size: the bigger the adipocyte, the greater the expression of leptin (2).
This would mean that obese persons are constantly feeling full, right? Wrong. Obesity is associated with resistance to the effects of leptin on the brain appetite centers, so they actually end up having an impaired response that doesn’t indicate fullness. This exemplifies how complex the relationship is between adipose tissue and the endocrine system.
Fat cells increase in size, then in number
When energy balance becomes positive (meaning there are more calories consumed than burned), the adipose organ increases, particularly in the amount of white adipose tissue. White adipocytes undergo hypertrophy (increase in volume) followed by hyperplasia (increase in number).
It’s been proposed that adipocytes have a maximum volume, referred to as “critical cell size” that may be genetically determined (3). This means that fat cells can only get so big. Once they reach their critical cell size, they trigger production of new adipocytes. In other words, your existing fat cells are filled until they reach their capacity (much like a balloon) and then signal the body to make more fat cells.
You are more likely to make additional fat cells at certain times in your life. Research has shown that the natural production of fat cells steadily increases during childhood and levels off in early adulthood (4). Although more research is needed, this could indicate that children who are obese are more likely to be obese as adults and experience greater difficulties in trying to achieve weight loss.
How the body burns fat
When energy balance is negative in the body (meaning there are more calories being burned than consumed), the hormones that access stored fuel are increased, namely glucagon. In short, the body flips from an energy-storing state to an energy-burning state.
First, the body will burn stored carbohydrate, also known as glycogen, which is found mostly in the liver and muscles. Once the glycogen energy reserve has been exhausted, the body breaks down fat in a process called lipolysis.
What happens to fat cells during weight loss?
During negative energy balance such as on Cleanse Days, the body will use the fat for fuel causing the fat cells to shrink in size. As fat cells decrease in size, so too does the amount of signaling molecules produced. Over time, this reestablishment of normal endocrine function can be immensely beneficial for health including decreasing the molecules that induce inflammation.
Additionally, fat loss accompanied by adequate intake of optimal nutrition—such as  vitamins (B vitamins, vitamins C and E), minerals (selenium, zinc, copper), and other bioactive nutrients including coenzyme Q10 and polyphenols—support the detoxification systems of the body in the removal of toxins. (Read more in The Basics of Detoxification.)
It is interesting to note that fat cells have the ability to shrink but rarely decrease in number. However, during fat loss, cells can decrease as much as 400 percent in size! For many, this morphological transformation supported by dietary interventions such as Cleanse Days means more than just a slimmer appearance; it can improve health and even add years of quality life.
 Interested in losing fat?
1.    Rossmeislova L, Malisova L, Kracmerova J, Stich V. Adaptation of human adipose tissue to hypocaloric diet. Int J Obes (Lond) 2013;37:640-50. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.80
2.    Skurk T, Alberti-Huber C, Herder C, Hauner H. Relationship between adipocyte size and adipokine expression and secretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:1023-33.
3.    Cinti S. The adipose organ at a glance. Dis Model Mech 2012;5:588-94.
4.    Spalding KL, Arner E, Westermark PO et al. Dynamics of fat cell turnover in humans. Nature2008;453:783-7. doi: 10.1038/nature06902

Why are Refined Grain Products Harmful?

Why are Refined Grain Products Harmful?

Refined grains and their food products are substandard foods for several reasons:

  1. They are excessively starchy and high in gluten.
  2. They are practically devoid of natural fiber.
  3. There can be up to approximately 25 different chemicals that are added to refined grains and breads products.
  4. Grains are fumigated.
  5. Bleaching chemicals are used.
  6. Artificial colorings and flavorings are used.
  7. They are nutritionally imbalanced.
Because refined grain products are nutritionally imbalanced, they are responsible for contributing to several degenerative diseases. Calcium leaching from the bones and teeth occurs because of the altered phosphorous-calcium balance in these products. Sugar and refined grain products are primarily responsible for tooth decay in this country, as well as being the major cause of brittle bones in the elderly.

The crux of the situation is that the shelf-life of products are far more important in our economy than the health and well-being of the people. If we are to lean on the "staff of life" for nutrition, we must identify the counterfeit refined grains from the real, whole grains.

In the US, the familiar white flour which is the result of modern refining process is 72% extraction. This means that it has lost 28% of the bulk of the wheat, including half or more of many of the crucial nutrients. So for optimum health, eliminate all refined flour products from your diet and use only whole grains.

8 Healthy Gluten Free Whole Grain Alternatives

  1. Amaranth
  2. Buckwheat
  3. Corn-organic only
  4. Millet
  5. Oats (*see below)
  6. Quinoa
  7. Rice
  8. Wild Rice
*Oats are inherently gluten-free, but are frequently contaminated with wheat during growing or processing. Several companies (Bob's Red Mill, Cream Hill Estates, GF Harvest (fromerly Gluten Free Oats), Avena Foods (Only Oats), Legacy Valley (Montana Monster Munchies), and Gifts of Nature) currently offer pure, uncontaminated oats. Ask your physician if these oats are acceptable for you. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Exercise for your brain, not just your body

Exercise for your brain, not just your body
    Remember how "mission critical" your brain is to all of your life? Give it a workout today.

    The easiest way to keep your brain sharp is to find some kind of physical activity you love doing, mix it up with an alternative type exercise… then mark it on your calendar as an important appointment.

    Because it could prove to be the most important one of your day!

    Exercising in the morning before work not only spikes brain activity and prepares it for the day's challenges… it also increases retention of new information and aids problem solving on complex issues.

    Many experts also advocate that it promotes regular workouts, as fewer activities clamor for your attention early.

    Looking to change up your workout? Try an activity that requires coordination along with cardio exertion, like a dance class.

    If you like crunching time at the gym alone, try circuit workouts, which spike your heart rate while constantly redirecting your attention.

    Any way you do it, always remember this doctor's admonition… "Exercise is really for the brain, not the body."

    So what have you done today for YOUR brain?

Do you like beets?

Discover the seven most nutrient-dense foods on earth

Discover the seven most nutrient-dense foods on earth

Can be found at:

(1) Chlorella is treated by most as a supplement. But it is a food, actually. Around the end of WW II, it was considered as a solution for world hunger because it's so easy to culture and harvest from fresh water ponds or man-made pools.

That idea was abandoned because chlorella cell walls were too tough to digest. But a technique has been developed to break the cell walls mechanically without damaging the algae.

Today, most chlorella brands will say "broken cell walls" indicating the nutrients are readily assimilable. Chlorella growth factor (CGF) helps regenerate cells slow aging issues. It also chelates heavy metals to remove them from the body more than any other green superfood. Mike Adams elaborates here:

(2) Spirulina or blue-green algae is another condensed green superfood. Commonly considered an algae, technically it's considered a type of single cell beneficial bacteria or a crossover between bacteria and algae, containing elements of both.

Either way, like chlorella, it's a potent ancient simple cell food that's harvested from fresh water. Some health food experts, including the Health Ranger, mix both spirulina and chlorella together. (

(3) Kale demands an acquired taste. But juicing it with carrots and some apple allows it to go down easily. Slow juicing with a masticating juicer renders kale's power packed nutrient package even more condensed with all its enzymes intact. More here:

(4) Cacao offers a superfood that's easier to eat - chocolate. Cacao is the basis of chocolate, and it has the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) rating of all foods.

You can grind cacao beans and put them into hot milk or coffee. Or you can eat dark or semi-sweet chocolate candies that are at least 70 percent cacao. Cacao/dark chocolate protects against cardiovascular problems and improves brain function. (

(5) Chia seeds are high in omega-3 and unlike flax seeds, they don't have to be ground. They are a little pricey compared to flax seeds, but they offer more nutrients and also protect against heart disease. (

(6) Hemp seeds and oils from Canada are available at better health stores and online. They provide what most consider the perfect balance of omega-3, 6, and 9.

They are high in other basic nutrients and fiber while offering a complete vegetable protein. Hemp seeds and oils also contain anti-carcinogenic and heart health boosting micro-nutrients.

Growing "industrial" hemp is legal in Canada because it contains practically no THC (the stuff that gets you high). Yet the U.S. still prohibits growing hemp on U.S. lands.

(7) Noni juice that's raw and not denatured. It's immune enhancing and medicinal, unlike the overpriced stuff from multi-level marketing groups that's reconstituted from frozen concentrates and sweetened.

You can get raw, basic juices from a locally run organic farm in Hawaii, among others. Here's the Hawaiian source:

(7a) Aloe vera juice needs to be added. Again, it should be organic and unadulterated. Aloe vera juice is both immune system enhancing and very medicinal.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Are you a morning person or a night owl??

Big Brain Differences Between “Morning People” and “Night Owls”

January 19th, 2012 by MacLean Fitzgerald
I recently saw a research finding from 2009 that was pretty interesting. Canadian scientists studied people who self-identified as “morning people” or “night people” and found striking differences in brain activity patterns between the two groups. They noticed that neuronal excitability started high and decreased throughout the day for morning people, and started low and increased for night people.
They also measured spinal cord response, which they found increased throughout the day in everyone. They posited that this might mean that night people are able to increase strength to its maximum potential better than morning people, because their brain and spinal cord activity are in sync, whereas the brain and spinal cord activity of morning people are off-kilter with one going up while the other goes down.
The researchers are hoping these findings could help find ways to help shift workers or others who have to adjust their schedules contrary to their natural inclinations. 

Study: Taste of Beer Excites the Brain and Makes You Crave More

recent study from Indiana University found that the taste of beer–even without the alcohol–triggers rewards in the brain that drives you to crave more beer.
To measure the pleasure response, the scientists looked at dopamine release in the brain. The scientists studied 49 men with varying relationships to alcohol (from non-drinkers to heavy drinkers) and found that from the first tiny sip of beer, the brain responded with a dopamine increase in an area of the brain called the ventrial striatum. This dopamine release corresponded with the men reporting increased cravings for more beer. The experiment was conducted in a way that could not make them men intoxicated, so the response was attributed solely to the taste molecules in the beer.

Study: Playing Tetris Can Help People Beat Lazy Eye

avatarI was pretty addicted to Tetris when it first came out, so my interest was definitely piqued when I saw mention of this study. Researchers found that adults who suffered from amblyopia–lazy eye–could train their eyes to work together by playing Tetris. Now, the researchers want to test this unconventional therapy in kids.
Around 1 in 50 kids has amblyopia, and the common treatment is to cover the strong eye with a patch to strengthen the weaker eye. If you have kids, you know that getting a child to wear an eye patch might not be the easiest or most pleasant thing to do. And for adults, the patching technique is not very effective. The Tetris technique doesn’t focus on one eye or the other, but rather trains the eyes to work together and helps the whole visual system learn how to see properly anew.

Tickles Trigger Different Area of the Brain than Laughter Alone

Neurology of Laughter from Tickling and Jokes is Not the Same
German scientists have recently used MRI studies to discover some neurological differences between different types of laughter. The researchers found that the brain areas triggered by laughter related to tickling and those triggered by laughter related to jokes are not the same. While both activities trigger vocal and emotional response centers, when a person is tickled, their hypothalamus and some pain anticipation areas are also activated.

Only ticklish laughter activated the hypothalamus, a part of the brain involved in regulating many functions, including visceral reactions, the researchers said. 
Ticklish laughter also activated parts of the brain thought to be involved in anticipation of pain, which supports the idea that people who are tickled react defensively, according to researchers.
The study shows that the same brain networks are activated in earlier studies on humorous laughter. Yet, humorous laughter also activates an area of the brain involved in "higher order" functions, as well as a part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens, which is thought to be part of the brain's "pleasure center." Ticklish laughter did not activate these areas.
The results, which will be detailed in the June issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex, confirm the idea that ticklish laughter is a "building block" of humorous laughter - an idea first proposed by Charles Darwin and Ewald Hecker in the late 1800s, according to researchers.
The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Greifswald in Germany, and researchers at the University of Fribourg and University of Basel in Switzerland.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

  • Modern, unhealthy lifestyles predispose you to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which may lead to liver cancer. Recent research suggests that regular exercise reduces the risk of developing liver cancer
  • Previous research has shown that breast and colon cancer patients who exercise regularly have half the recurrence rate than non-exercisers, and the cumulative evidence strongly indicates that exercise really should be part of standard cancer care
  • Many recent studies have shown that exercise provides a level of protection against stress-related disorders and depression, and recent research demonstrates that these protective benefits are induced even if the exercise is forced as a mandatory part of a program, such as doctor’s orders, school curriculum or military service
  • Mounting evidence shows that our healthcare and clinical guidelines are based in large part on fraudulent studies that report untruthful results in order to accommodate the interests of corporations. In one review, scientists could NOT replicate 47 of the 53 published studies—all of which were considered important and valuable for the future of cancer treatments

Always listen to your body and if you feel you need a break, take time to rest. But even exercising for just a few minutes a day is better than not exercising at all, and you'll likely find that your stamina increases and you're able to complete more challenging workouts with each passing day. In the event you are suffering from a very weakened immune system, you may want to exercise at home instead of visiting a public gym. But remember that exercise will ultimately help to boost your immune system, so it's very important to continue with your program, even if you suffer from chronic illness or cancer