Monday, December 30, 2013

Watercress Found to Block Breast Cancer Cell Growth

watercress breast cancer 263x164 Watercress Found to Block Breast Cancer Cell GrowthYou may have never tasted watercress, but you’ve likely heard of it. It’s a peppery tasting, delicate leaf vegetable related to broccoli, kale, and collards. And like just like those other vegetables, watercress offers some amazing health benefits. One new study from the University of Southampton indicates that watercress could even be useful in the fight against breast cancer.
According to the study, published in a recent edition of the British Journal of Nutrition, a compound in the cruciferous plant could work to turn off signals in the cells that are used to facilitate cancer growth, thereby starving cancer cells to death.
When a tumor outgrows its own blood supply, it sends signals to surrounding tissues to deliver more oxygen and nutrients. Its these signals that phenylethyl isothiocyanate—the watercress compound—may actually shut off.
For the research, a small group of breast cancer survivors ate a bowl of watercress and then had their blood tested for a period of 24 hours following. The participants had a significant level of phenylethyl isothiocyanate in their blood following the meal and the signaling function was “measurably affected.”
According to the study’s abstract:
“Although further investigations with larger numbers of participants are required to confirm these findings, this pilot study suggests that flow cytometry may be a suitable approach to measure changes in 4E-BP1 phosphorylation following the ingestion of watercress, and that dietary intake of watercress may be sufficient to modulate this potential anti-cancer pathway.”
The research is promising, and when paired with research on the benefits of other cruciferous vegetables, we may have identified the family of vegetables that can successfully combat cancer.
Broccoli, related to watercress and a nutrition powerhouse in its own right, contains several compounds that may be effective in fighting cancer. One of the well-researched compounds, sulforaphane, has been found to not only suppress the growth of tumors, but also stop the spread and even the onset of cancer. Indole-3-carbinol, another broccoli compound, has been found to destroy cancer-related molecule known as Cdc25A and to reduce tumor size substantially.
Cruciferous vegetables have many health benefits and are easy to come by. While more research may be needed to determine how they are able to fight cancer, there’s no reason we can’t start reaping the benefits now.

4 healthy secrets of avocados

Avocados have been called the perfect food by some, and this title doesn’t come simply from its role as the primary ingredient in guacamole. They are one of the sexiest vegetables out there. Correction, they are one of the sexiest fruits. Actually, avocados are a bit of everything; they are actually berries in disguise. But no matter how you label the…food, avocados still offer a wealth of benefits.
The health benefits of avocados are many. One recent study published in Nutrition Journal found that people who eat avocados are more likely to have lower body weight, lower waist circumference, and lower BMI than their avocado-abstaining counterparts. Researchers also found that those who eat avocados have higher good cholesterol levels, a lower intake of sugars, and a better diet overall. Overall, the study concluded that avocado-eaters are especially healthy.
So, what else could these little berries be hiding from us? Here are 4 healthy secrets of avocados.
  • 1. They are loaded with protein - Avocados are one of few high protein fruits, with one avocado containing about 4g of protein. They have all 18 important amino acids, and all of those are highly bioavailable. This makes avocados a great source of protein for vegetarians and vegans and even for meat eaters alike, as some of the amino acids in animal products are not readily available for your body’s use.
  • 2. More potassium than a banana - We usually think of bananas as the potassium champs, while there are numerous fruits and vegetables with more. Avocados are one of them, with an average of 975 milligrams. Potassium is important in maintaining kidney health, blood pressure, and muscle health.
  • 3. They can be softened with the help of an apple - Avocados are often rock-hard when you go to purchase them at grocery stores. They can be easily ripened at home, however, by sticking them in a brown paper bag with an apple. Apples release ethylene gas, a naturally occurring plant hormone that will help soften your avocados in a few days.
  • 4. Avocados are one of the “Clean 15” - If you’re concerned about pesticide exposure (and if not, you should be), avocados are one of the “cleanest” of all produce. Their tough exterior helps protect them from contamination. So, if you can’t afford to buy all organic, this is one piece of produce you could purchase conventional.
Loaded with healthy fats and mild flavor, avocados are great on sandwiches, salads, and more. You can even use them as a butter substitute in some recipes.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Acid reflux drugs linked to dementia?

Has your memory been slipping lately? Have you experienced unexplained pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in your arms of legs? Have you also been taking an acid reflux drug like Nexium, Prevacid or Prilosec for a couple years? If so, then you may be the latest victim of the pharmaceutical industry’s medical model of healthcare.

After that first paragraph, you may have expected to see an attorney’s phone number to call and join a class action lawsuit! Well, I am sure that it won’t be long before that actually happens. New research, published Monday in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), showed that certain acid reflux drugs are “significantly associated” with vitamin B12 deficiency. In turn, vitamin B12 deficiency causes serious health consequences including anemia, osteoporosis, depression, memory loss,dementia, neuropathy and cardiovascular disease.
If you have acid reflux, you need to understand what is causing it. Find the cause and correct the cause. Simply popping pills to block the natural production of stomach acid has proven to only cause even more serious health conditions. Read on to learn how to restore your health without these dangerous drugs!

Acid Reflux Drugs Linked to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Acid reflux drugs, like Nexium, have long been known to cause some very serious side effects. Among them are problems such as anemia, heart problems, hypertension, osteoporosis and further digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In fact, drugs used to treat acid reflux do not treat the condition itself but only the symptoms. They are not designed to correct the cause of the problem. As a result, the problem continues to worsen over the years. Drug treatment is continued and the drug side effects continue to worsen as well.
This new research(1) sheds further light on this problem. It showed that people taking certain acid reflux drugs are far more likely to suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. The study implicated proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) – Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec – and histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) – Pepcid, Tagamet and Zantac. Proton pump inhibitors proved to be the worst.
Unfortunately, the study’s senior author, Dr. Douglas Corley, stated(2) that patient’s should not stop taking the drugs but should get their B12 levels checked. If your levels are deficient, then presumably, you should treat that as another symptom as well. All the while, the underlying causes are left unaddressed. Vitamin B12 deficiency cannot be corrected unless the cause of the deficiency is addressed. In this case, the cause may be your acid reflux pill.
Left uncorrected, this leads to fatigue, anemia, irritable bowel syndrome, increased risk of bone fracture, hypertension, dementia, depression and neuropathy. It is dangerous, costly, and simply ridiculous to continue treating symptoms of any condition rather than addressing the cause. Wouldn’t it be much better to find what is causing the acid reflux and correct the cause?

Why Do You Have Stomach Acid?

Stomach acid has been unjustly vilified as the cause of acid reflux and GERD. In a similar fashion, cholesterol was incorrectly pegged as the cause of deadly heart disease. Just as pharmaceutically lowering cholesterol increases the heart attack death rate, blocking stomach acid with drugs only makes the problem of reflux and GERD even worse!
You have acid in your stomach for a reason. The cells that line your stomach produce it. In fact, your stomach is specifically designed with a layer of cells that protect it from the otherwise damaging effects of the acid. This stomach acid is required by your body for:
  • proper digestion of food, especially carbohydrates
  • Absorption of nutrients (such as vitamin B12)
  • Killing harmful bacteria and limiting bacterial overgrowth
Without this acid in your stomach, you cannot properly digest carbohydrates or effectively absorb certain nutrients. Blocking this acid production also allows for overgrowth of bacteria and opens the door for H. pylori infections. Simply having the stomach acid is not the problem. In fact, most people suffering from acid reflux actually have too little stomach acid rather than too much.

What Causes Acid Reflux and GERD?

The problem is when the acid leaks (refluxes) into the esophagus. Your esophagus does not have the protective lining that your stomach has. When stomach acid gets into the esophagus, the burning pain of acid reflux results.
Your body has a very strong valve – called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) - between the stomach and esophagus that is designed to prevent the reflux of acid. The cause of the acid reflux is a dysfunctioning LES muscle which allows the acid to reflux into the esophagus.
It is not a problem of having too much acid. Again, most cases of acid reflux actually occur with low levels of stomach acid. The acid is just in the wrong place. Lowering acid levels or blocking its production does not fix the problem with the LES. As a result, the acid reflux continues and you are prescribed acid blocking drugs for the rest of your life.
So, the real question is what is causing the dysfunction with the LES muscle and how can your correct this cause of acid reflux?

Correcting the Cause of Acid Reflux

  • Your Nerve System and Chiropractic Care. The LES is an autonomic muscle. That means that it is automatically controlled by your autonomic nervous system. Stress on the nerves that control this muscle can cause it to malfunction. Additionally, production and secretion of stomach acid is controlled by your nerve system. Ensuring proper nerve system function is the first step to healing acid reflux and GERD naturally. Chiropractic physicians are trained to find and correct nerve interference such as this. As a result, many people experience significant relief simply from including regular chiropractic care in their wellness lifestyle.
  • Eliminating Drug Effects. It is also important to consider other prescription drugs that you are taking that may be causing the problem. Common culprits include steroid drugs, NSAIDS (such as Advil and Aleve), and aspirin. These drugs are commonly prescribed for various pain syndromes. However, there are many natural, safe, and more effective methods for correcting these conditions as well.
  • Excessive Carbohydrates. Consuming excessive carbohydrates – especially simple carbs like sugars, breads, pastas, pastries, etc. – create an inflammatory environment in your body. This can prevent normal production of stomach acid and allow bacterial overgrowth. This leads to gas production and increased intra-abdominal pressure. As a result the LES muscle becomes inhibited and acid reflux occurs. Simply switching to a low carbohydrate, anti-inflammatory diet naturally corrects this cause of acid reflux.
  • Balancing Bacteria. Low stomach acid allows for bacterial overgrowth and disrupts the balance of healthy gut bacteria. Consuming foods rich in probiotics (healthy bacteria), such as raw fermented foods, restores this balance. Taking a probiotic supplement may be necessary as well. Restoring the normal, healthy bacteria in your gut helps to correct many digestive disorders, including acid reflux.

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

Another solution is to eat your largest meal in the middle of the day, that way you are more active and upright than you would be in the evening. The evening should be a light meal and you will experience less reflux then.
Taking digestive enzymes with ea meal and daily probiotics also helps.

Using these methods addresses the actual cause of acid reflux and GERD and allows your body to heal itself naturally. While you are healing, you may need to use some natural remedies as well to help with the symptoms. As mentioned earlier, the problem is most often a result of not enough stomach acid production in order to digest food, absorb nutrients and kill harmful bacteria.
Bitter herbs can be used to increase production of stomach acid. These include herbs such as barberry bark, caraway, dandelion, fennel, ginger, goldenseal root, peppermint, and wormwood. They are typically taken in very small doses and made in a tincture of water. Consult an well-trained herbalist for best results.
While you are reconditioning your body to produce the proper amount of stomach acid, you may benefit from natural digestive enzyme supplements as well. Without proper levels of stomach acid, the pH is too high to stimulate the release of these enzymes naturally. These supplements can help provide your body with the support it needs to break down carbohydrates and proteins more effectively.

As with all health conditions, dangerous drugs are not the only option. It may seem easy to simply pop a pill and ignore the problem. However, your body and your long-term health will ultimately suffer the consequences. You can live a radiant and vibrantly healthy life! Simple lifestyle changes make a huge difference in your vitality and they will help you heal acid reflux naturally!

TIP: Check out Klamax, a revolutionary stem cell releaser that has been nominated for Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2017! It improves and helps digestive problems!

How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health

Granted most individuals have High Cholesterol but there is a NORMAL range for a reason and in the last few yrs of practice I have never seen such low values, way below the normal range...just like more is better, most providers think lower is better...

Can LOW Cholesterol Lead To Violence, Premature Death?
You've heard for decades about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that LOW cholesterol can lead to violence towards self and other, and has been linked to premature aging, death and other adverse health effects?
In a world gone mad with anti-cholesterol anxiety, and where gobbling down pharmaceuticals designed to poison the body into no longer synthesizing it is somehow considered sane behavior, it is refreshing to look at some of the research on the health benefits of cholesterol, or conversely, the dangers of low cholesterol.

Benefits of Cholesterol

  • Cholesterol Is Needed To Prevent Aggression: It has been known for almost 30 years that low serum cholesterol levels are associated with habitually violent tendencies of homicidal offenders under the influence of alcohol.[i] Since then, there are at least 8 other studies that have either confirmed or explored the cholesterol-violence link, including both violence towards self and other.  One of the possible explanations for this association was discussed in an article published in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 1993: "One of the functions of serotonin in the central nervous system is the suppression of harmful behaviour impulses...Low membrane cholesterol decreases the number of serotonin receptors. Since membrane cholesterol exchanges freely with cholesterol in the surrounding medium, a lowered serum cholesterol concentration may contribute to a decrease in brain serotonin, with poorer suppression of aggressive behaviour".[ii] Not surprisingly, several reports have now surfaced on cholesterol-lowering statin drugscontributing to irritability and/or aggression.
  • Cholesterol Is Needed To Fight Cancer: The inverse relationship between cholesterol levels and the risk for a variety of cancers, and mortality associated with cancer, has been known about since the late 80's.[iii] Since then, the cholesterol-cancer connection has been confirmed over and over again. It is to be expected, therefore, that statin drug use would be linked with increased cancer incidence, which indeed it is.[iv] Even when you take so-called "bad" LDL-cholesterol and administer it to a culture of highly malignant, multi-drug resistant leukemia cells, the cells lose their resistance to chemotherapy. Not exactly what can be characterized as a "bad" substance, now is it? [v]
  • Cholesterol Is Needed To Prevent Hemorrhagic Stroke:  There are two types of stroke: 1) Ischemic, associated with lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain 2) Hemorrhagic, associated with the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, and bleeding. The risk for the former, in theory, could be raised in the presence of excessive oxidized cholesterol. However, it is the risk for the second, hemorrhagic stroke, which is increased when cholesterol levels are low. Noted as far back as 1994 in the British Medical Journal, in an article titled, "Assessing possible hazards of reducing serum cholesterol," researchers found "The only cause of death attributable to low serum cholesterol concentration was haemorrhagic stroke."[vi]  Other studies can be viewed that confirmthis association on our stroke-cholesterol link page.
  • Cholesterol Is Needed for Memory:  Low HDL cholesterol has been identified as a risk factor for deficit and decline in memory in midlife.[vii] Even in Parkinson's disease, higher total serum cholesterol concentrations are associated with slower clinical progression of the disease.[viii] Statin drugs, which inhibit the production of cholesterol, hence severely affecting the brain, are now required by the FDA to display the black box warning that they may adversely affect the memory.[ix] We have indexed over 50 studies from the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database, Medline, on the neurotoxicity of statin drugs, with six of these specifically addressingstatin-induced memory impairment.
  • Cholesterol is Needed for Longevity: In a fascinating study published in PLoS in 2011, telomerelength – the shoestring cap-like ends of the chromosomes which prevent DNA damage associated with cellular aging – was linked to higher LDL and total cholesterol levels. The longer the length of these protective caps, the higher the cholesterol.[x]  Indeed, several studies indicate that lower cholesterol is associated with increased mortality.
  • Cholesterol Helps Us Fight Infection: It has been observed that a cholesterol-rich diet improves patients with tuberculosis, leading researchers to suggest "cholesterol should be used as a complementary measure in antitubercular treatment."[xi] Cholesterol-lowering drugs, incidentally, exhibit immunosuppressive and potent immunotoxic properties, likely in part due to their cholesterol depleting effects.

Why you should eat your broccoli

In order to prevent arteries from clogging, researchers from Imperial College London suggest consuming at least one cup of broccoli daily. Their research findings concludes that there is a chemical in leafy green vegetables, as well as broccoli, that offers protective measures for the heart, including preventing artery blockages.

Broccoli keeps the heart healthy:

Broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane, which is necessary to activate a protein that stops plague formation in the arteries. Glucosinolates, which produce anti-inflammatory isothiocyanates (ITCs), are also found in broccoli.

ITCs are important, because they stop chronic inflammation within blood vessels and cells. ITCs are also responsible for the reduction of heart disease and stroke.

It has been proven that inflammation inside arteries is fatal.

A wide range of antioxidants are found in broccoli, including vitamins E and C; manganese and zinc; lutein, carotenoids, beta carotene and zeaxanthin; and quercetin and kaempferol.

These antioxidants work together as a group to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation associated with many digestive conditions. Those with high stress levels in their life need more antioxidants to protect their overall health.

Plaque buildup and cholesterol is lowered thanks to broccoli's I-3C:

Broccoli helps lower cholesterol thanks to the fact that is rich in the phytonutrient indole-3-carbinol (I-3C) as well as fiber. The bile acids and fiber bind together within the digestive system, allowing for excretion to occur, which results in the lowering of cholesterol. The rate at which the bad cholesterol (LDL) travels is lowered because of the I-3C, plus it goes to different areas of the body in order to prevent plaque buildup from occurring.

Sulforaphane also prevents platelets from clinging to blood vessel walls. Sulforaphane was discovered to also cease the creation of a new layer thickening within the walls of blood vessels flowing to the heart.

Sulforaphane's ability to prevent blocks in blood vessels and inflammation of existing plaque was also found in another study highlighting these facts. A study using rat models with inflammatory bowel disorder that was performed in 2013 to find out the effects of plant compounds, including broccoli extract, showed that broccoli was a powerful remedy. When combined with other anti-inflammatory agents, such as rosemary, turmeric and thyme, broccoli showed strong promise for steadily decreasing inflammation.

Optimal ways to cook broccoli:

Broccoli can be served in either raw or cooked form and still be a good source of antioxidants. However, when served raw or steamed lightly, it retains most of its nutritional value. When steamed, it should be for three minutes or less. Cooking methods such as pressure-cooking, boiling, baking, or frying lowers the broccoli's nutritional value. Keep in mind, if you save the water that the broccoli is cooked in and reuse it for another dish, you are able to hold on to all the nutrients.

In order to keep a healthy heart, everyone should consume a regular diet rich with anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, fiber-rich foods and a steady supply of vitamins and minerals. When consumed regularly, broccoli provides all of these and more for heart protection.

There are more than 100 research papers emphasizing the numerous benefits of consuming broccoli, from strong heart-healthy results to cancer-preventative measures, and this is no coincidence. When speaking to nutritional experts, they will agree that the regular consumption of broccoli will prevent or reduce oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and excessive levels of cholesterol.


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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Healthy Holidays – Tips for Staying on Track!

Cold weather is here and comfort food is what we crave. Our immune system is compromised. Flu and colds are all around us. It's hard to go out and take that walk in the cold. It is more important than ever to do exercise this part of the year. Seasonal sweets are all around us, we gorge on comfort foods that are full of fat and calories, we don't get enough exercise. Well did you know that exercise boosts your immune system?
I am not saying give up the Christmas movies while you sip mulled wine by the fireplace. I am saying balance your days with some exercise. Whether it is a visit to the gym 3 times a week, doing exercise with a wii ( pretty inexpensive off of ebay with all kinds of games that can keep you moving) or just doing some movement, just get your heart rate up 15 minutes a day and you will sail through these winter months with less colds and flus, not putting on all those extra pounds and finding you have more energy to handle the stress of the holidays.
Here are some more tips:

Healthy Holidays – Tips for Staying on Track!

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dennisHarper_107x135Trainer: Dr. Dennis Harper
Worried about holiday goodies destroying your weight-loss goals? Adults on average gain one pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with sedentary people gaining close to two pounds during that short span of time. Listen in as Dr. Harper reminds us that holiday weight gain is not inevitable. He shares histips and tricks to make sure you stay on track with your weight loss goals during the holiday season.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Pass the butter please!

I have always preferred the taste of butter, everything in moderation is the our society where more is better and everything is supersized, its no wonder that is where the trouble starts.

Carbohydrates, particularly grains and sugar, are well known causes of inflammation, along with processed oils. Inflammation has been determined to be one of the real underlying causes of health problems. Processed soybean, corn and cottonseed oils are usually genetically modified, which adds to their health dangers.

Power of US dietary guidelines

In this country, the government dietary guidelines dictate health policy followed by schools, hospitals, physicians and dietitians. This policy affects school lunch programs, hospital foods and the dietary advice given by the majority of healthcare professionals. The influence can be seen in restaurants and grocery store aisles, where low-fat foods are lauded as superior to whole-fat. These low-fat foods are generally loaded with sugar and other processed ingredients to enrich the taste lost when real, whole-fat ingredients are removed.

Why saturated fats are essential to health

Saturated fats and organs from pastured, organic-fed animals contain essential fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K2, which are missing from most Americans' diets. Dentist Weston Price established, in his remarkable 10-year study of endemic cultures around the world, that these fat-soluble vitamins ensure superior, perfect health for native groups. These groups ate a diet comprised of 30-80% traditional fats. 

The resulting health epidemic and the evidence against low fat

The replacement of traditional, nutrient-dense saturated fats and foods with highly processed, inflammatory vegetable oils, grains and carbohydrates has contributed to a health epidemic in this country. This crisis includes overwhelming rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, autoimmune disorders, psychiatric illnesses and food allergies.

Research overwhelmingly supports that pastured saturated fat, similar to cholesterol, is essential to a healthy diet. Studies that originally blamed saturated fats as problematic failed to separate trans fats from saturated fats.

How the big "Fat" lie began

During the early 1900's, Americans ate pastured butter, lard, chicken and beef fat. Heart disease was virtually nonexistent. In 1921, there was one recorded incidence of heart disease. Cases of heart disease occurred rarely and were related to inflammation caused by infectious agents.

In 1911, Crisco and Mazola oils were developed, and massive public advertising campaigns developed to convince Americans to replace their traditional fats with the "modern" processed oils containing trans fats.

Dr. Ancel Keys in his study cherry picked a few countries to incorrectly show that saturated fats caused heart disease. This widely publicized study contributed to the lipid hypothesis and the dietary recommendations for low saturated fats. In reality, several studies show that Europeans consuming high saturated fats have low heart disease.

Positive changes 

Sweden recently changed its dietary guidelines to include more saturated fats. Physicians in England and the U.S. are also speaking out, recommending saturated fat consumption. Wheat Belly author and cardiologist William Davis has done extensive clinical research with his patients, proving that eating saturated fats and meat, while eliminating wheat, grains and sugar, reduces heart disease.

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