Today, we're going to talk about 3 natural antibiotics to boost our immune system. These are the following:
  • Wild Oregano Oil
  • Honey
  • Garlic
These 3 natural antibiotics are going to help you live a life vibrantly. They can be perfect additions to juices.  So let’s get into this.

# 1 Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is full of antibiotics. It is very easy to use. You just have to put about 2-3 drops of it into the juice using a liquid dropper. It’s going to be spicy. It’s anti-microbial. You can find this in grocery stores or groceries called Oreganol P73. You can also order it in Amazon.

# 2 Honey

The Manuka Honey which come from New Zealand and Australia are the most delicious as we know it today. It contains the Methylglyoxal (MGO) which is its major antibacterial component. It kills the bacteria that forms in the gut, crippling resistance coming from these microorganisms.
[Honey is also good for cough, just add to tea with lemon for home made cough syrup.]

# 3 Garlic

Garlic is a good addition to many recipes not just because it completes the taste, but because it’s also accessible everywhere. We use garlic in almost every single day. It’s a great addition to your juice but you have to be cautious about how much you’re adding.
I am using an Elephant garlic which is actually not a true garlic, but tastes only a little milder from garlic. Elephant garlic is much more palatable to human taste than garlic so use this one if available.
It's great in lowering your blood pressure. Add garlic into your lifestyle because medicine is in our food and food is our medicine.
After all, our goal is to make you feel good. When you good, you're definitely going to look good.

- Drew Canole