Tuesday, September 11, 2012

all protein bars created equal/healthy?

Credit: Shutterstock
Why you think they’re healthy: It’s become the standard rule of thumb that working out regularly and eating protein bars go hand in hand. But, unless you’re diligent about exercising (doing a lot of cardio), and using protein bars correctly, they aren’t going to offer anything more than unneeded carbs.
The truth: Not all protein bars are created equal. While some may make you feel full, since they contain protein, they also tend to be crammed with unhealthy fats, sugars, high-fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. “Some protein bars are nothing more than a glorified candy bar,” says Simpson, adding that several contain more protein than the body can physically digest, which can have a dehydrating effect.
A better choice: “An ideal protein bar has 10 to 15 grams of protein and a base of seeds, nuts, spirulina, rice or organic whey; is free of artificial sweetener; has at least two grams of fiber; and has equal amounts or more than twice the amount of carbs as it does protein,” says Pomroy. 
For healthy whey protein bars: www.fatbgone.org
ISALEAN® BAR—A delicious, low-calorie, low-glycemic, nutritionally complete 
meal alternative that’s convenient for people on the go. 
Same benefits as the IsaLean® Shake.
Contains high-quality whey protein, healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates for lasting energy.
Helps reduce cravings and keeps you feeling satisfied for hours.
Exclusive New Zealand whey protein concentrate with a higher amino acid
profile and lower lactose levels for easier digestion.
Chocolate Cream Crisp, Chocolate Peanut Crunch, Lemon Passion Crunch
and Chocolate Decadence.

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