Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Save Your Brain

Don’t wait: You may forget you ever made the plan
Dr Michael Colgan 5 September 2012
For the last 14 months I have been writing about our research on an advanced brain supplement. The supplement is finally done, tested in clinical trials, found effective in improving cognitive functions in normal healthy people, and is now available for use. I am travelling continuously until December lecturing about our work on it.
Isagenix associates check your back office for dates. If you can, attend one of the coming ISA-Universities in Toronto, Phoenix, or Kansas City, where I will be presenting some of the amazing studies supporting the new Isagenix Brain and Sleep Support System.
If you have not yet experienced Isagenix, go to where my staff will enrol you as one of our Personal Preferred Customers. You will get access to these products at special prices, priority access to all the new anti-aging research we are doing, and the chance to get tickets to stellar events in brain science.
Over the next year I will be writing a series of short articles on the research. The first one is below. If you want to keep your marbles, and improve them …..
The Importance of Sleep
Dr Michael Colgan 5 September 2012
Sleep is an active physiological process programmed into the human body by the day-night cycle of the revolution of the Earth. The sleep cycle controls hundreds of functions of the body for one-third of your entire life. Without sleep you would quickly die. Controlled studies of human survival training show that, given sufficient water, sleep is more important than food in maintaining physical and mental performance.(1)
Five important health functions that occur almost entirely, during sleep are; memory consolidation, organ repair, neurogenesis, brain development, and muscle recovery and growth.(2-6) That is why we made sound sleep an important component of the Isagenix Brain and Sleep Support System.
Melatonin Improves Sleep
The pineal gland, the “third eye” of legend, is a little clump of tissue that sits way back in the center of your brain about level with the top of your eyes. In 1958, Aaron Lerner at Yale University discovered that the pineal gland secretes a powerful hormone, which he named melatonin.(7)
Since 1970, more than 100 controlled studies have shown clearly that melatonin supplementation, can reset the internal circadian clock and improve both the duration and the quality of sleep. Taken in the correct form, dose, and timing, it helps people who have difficulty falling asleep. it maintains sleep for longer, and it enables those who wake too early to fall back to sleep again.(8)
Melatonin Supports Neurogenesis
Melatonin’s control of the temporal patterning of neural and endocrine functions in the brain is so strong it is now considered a major organizer of cognition.(9-12) Almost all neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons) occurs in the brain during sleep. Neurogenesis declines dramatically with sleep deprivation. Recent research indicates that supplementary melatonin can improve circadian synchronization and increase neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus the essential area of the brain for formation of memories.(13,14)
Melatonin Declines with Age
Our ability to make melatonin declines rapidly with age. In the North American population today, melatonin levels decline below what many scientists believe is optimal by about age 35.(15) Without sufficient melatonin, you gradually lose the temporal organization of your sleep, causing progressive sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbance accelerates aging of your organs, especially your brain. The Isagenix Sleep supplement contains the most potent forms of immediate and time-release melatonin together with relaxing L theanine, valerian and chamomile. It potentiates the Isagenix Brain Support System to provide the best brain support available anywhere.
1. Ståhle L, Ståhle EL, Granström E, Isaksson S, Annas P, Sepp H. Effects of sleep or food deprivation during civilian survival training on cognition, blood glucose and 3-OH-butyrate. Wilderness Environ Med. 2011 Sep;22(3):202-10.
2. Rojansky N, et al. Seasonality in human reproduction: An update. Human Reproduction, 1992;7:735-745.
3. Reiter RJ. Melatonin. New York: Bantam Books, 1995.
4. Dubocovich ML. Melatonin receptors: role on sleep and circadian rhythm regulation. Sleep Med 2007; 8Suppl(3): 34–42.
5. Tononi G, Cirelli C. Sleep function and synaptic homeostasis. Sleep Med Rev. 2006;10(1):49–62.
6. Dinges DF. The state of sleep deprivation: from functional biology to functional consequences. Sleep Med Rev. 2006;10(5):303–5.
7. Lerner AB, Case JD. Melatonin. Fed Proc, 1960;19:590-592.
8. Dubocovich ML. Melatonin receptors: role on sleep and circadian rhythm regulation. Sleep Med 2007; 8Suppl(3): 34–42.
9. Crowley SJ, Lee C, Tseng CY, Fogg LF, Eastman CI. Combinations of bright light, scheduled dark, sunglasses, and melatonin to facilitate circadian entrainment to night shift work. J Biol Rhythms 2003; 18:513–523.
10. Maestroni G. The immunoendocrine role of melatonin. J Pineal Res, 1993;14:1-10.
11. Holmes MM, Galea LA, Mistlberger RE, Kempermann G. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and voluntary running activity: circadian and dose-dependent effects. J Neurosci Res 2004;76:216–222.
12. Mueller AD, Pollock MS, Lieblich SE, Epp JR, Galea LA, Mistlberger RE. Sleep deprivation can inhibit adult hippocampal neurogenesis independent of adrenal stress hormones. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2008;294:R1693–R1703.
13. Oxidative damage in the central nervous system: protection by melatonin. Prog Neurobiol 1998;56:359–384.
14. Ramirez-Rodriguez G, Ortíz-López L, Domínguez-Alonso A, Benítez-King GA, Kempermann G. Chronic treatment with melatonin stimulates dendrite maturation and complexity in adult hippocampal neurogenesis of mice. J Pineal Res. 2011 Jan;50(1):29-37.
15. Colgan M, Colgan LA. The Perimenopause Solution. Vancouver: Science Books, 2009.

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