Sunday, September 15, 2013

9 good reasons to exercise

I was able to incorporate exercise into my life when I realized what exercise could do for me. I swim nearly every day and bike whenever I can.
1) Exercise prevents mental decline with age
New studies have shown that exercise helps brain development and prevents mental decline as we age. It also sharpens thinking and reduces mental fatigue. “There is no medicine or other intervention that appears to be nearly as effective as exercise” in maintaining or even bumping up a person’s cognitive capabilities, Dr. Hillman says. (From the book "The First 20 Minutes"). 
2) Exercise is better than pills for reducing anxiety and restoring mood
Whenever I don't exercise for two days or more in a row, I start feeling slightly depressed. I just have this mysterious feeling that I'm not my usual self. I then realize that it's because I haven't exercised! 
Exercise helps the brain produce serotonine faster, and low levels of serotonin are associated with anxiety and depression. Therefore, some studies have shown that exercise can be as or more effective as antidepressants. Other "feel-good" hormones are also produced during exercise, helping you feel better emotionally. 
3) Exercise reduces stress
This is a well-known benefit of exercise, but most people don't know that it takes about six weeks to come into full effect. So, if you start a running routine, don't expect to feel the rewards immediately. But after three to six weeks, you should notice a significant decrease in your levels of stress in your daily life. Powerful physiological changes will occur in your brain, and you'll feel better than ever. 
4) Exercise prevents cancer
A recent study done in Finland showed that jogging is more effective than other leisure activities, such as walking, in preventing cancer.This was after accounting for cigarette smoking, fiber and fat intake, age, and other health related variables. Men who jogged or otherwise exercised intensely for at least thirty minutes a day had a 50% reduction in the risk of dying prematurely from cancer. (See link below for source) 
5) Exercise increases metabolism
The word "metabolism" is misused to no end in natural health circles, as it seems that every company wants you to believe they have the one food that will increase your metabolism. But "metabolism" only means how many calories you burn in a day, and how fast you burn those calories. 
Strength training exercises are one of the only proven ways to increase metabolism. As you increase your muscle mass, your body will burn more calories at rest. This means that you'll be able to eat the same amount of food as your friends, but not gain weight, even on the days that you're not exercising. 
6) Exercise prevents heart disease
I mentioned in a previous ezine a recent study done by the Cooper Institute, which showed that the speed at which a person can run a mile in their 40s and 50s is a good indicator of how likely they are to suffer from heart disease as he or she gets older. Middle-age men who can run a mile in 8 minutes (9 minutes for women) had the least risk of dying from heart disease. This study took into account other lifestyle factors. (See link below for source) 
7) Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight
This is a catch-22 however. In order to lose weight with exercise, you have to be very fit, because intensity is key. Low-intensity exercises, such as walking, will not be as effective. Overweight people typically can't exercise with much intensity, because they are not very fit. Fit people have the easiest time losing weight with exercise, even though they don't need it as much. Become lean and fit and you'll find it easier to stay lean and fit! But remember that intensity is key. If you want to lose weight with exercise, you need to push yourself. 
8) Exercise prevents muscle loss 
Sarcopenia is the inevitable loss of muscle mass as we age. We're all doomed to lose some muscle mass as we age, but the goal is to keep as much of it as you humanly can, so you can be strong and independent as you get older. The decline starts in our early forties, but the good news is that it's possible to prevent and reverse much of it with a simple weight training routine. 
9) Exercise increases self-esteem and sex-appeal
Let's face it: when you're fit, you look better, and you are more attractive in the eyes of others, but also feel better about yourself (which in itself, is more attractive). If you are single and dating, looking at your best will make it much more likely that you'll attract the person of your dreams. And if you're married or in a relationship, you'll be more attractive to your partner, making it much more likely that the spark between you two will last. 
What about you. What are your top reasons to exercise? Comment on this article

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