Friday, October 4, 2013

Adrenal fatigue

We are working to heal our stressed out adrenal glands. Being in bed early enough is crucial in doing this. This means around ten pm each night. 

 Our circadian rhythms provide hormones based upon our historical usage. Evolutionarily, we were active at daybreak and resting in the dark. As we disrupt that natural cycle with artificial lights and activity, our hormones are stressed to keep up.

They say that each hour of sleep BEFORE midnight is worth 2 hours of sleep AFTER midnight. Also by going to bed at 10pm makes sure you are in REM/deep sleep before 2am when the body produces growth hormone, the hormone that keeps us youthful and healthy. 
For people who are chronically stressed and tired, the "stress" of being alert and awake during "rest" time, dumps adrenaline into our body and we can't wind down for several hours in the middle of the night.

Sound familiar?

Cortisol demands stress the adrenals when we work against our evolutionary biology. It becomes a vicious cycle of "too tired to sleep".

Here are a few articles about adrenal fatigue:

 Do your research about adaptogens/adrenal support herbs :
 For the best adaptogens that help you de-stress :

to order:


Here are  a few tools to 'get back to sleep' that I've picked up over the internet: 
- are to get up, bend side-to-side and forward repeatedly, or rub your abdomen down-leftside up-rightside for a minute or so. These seem to unblock digestion/stagnation. 

-Also, firmly rubbing the cartilage area on the upper ears for a minute or so each. There are some calming nerves (or something) there.

-Taking a spoonful of raw honey and/or a small cup of orange juice (potassium) if  you restless helps you to get back to sleep.

I avoid Melatonin as it has not worked for me in the past. However, there is a liquid Melatonin which can be dosed in miniscule amounts. Only a few drops are needed for sleep inducing benefit.  For more information on this liquid Melatonin which induces a deep sleep for 6.5 hrs as is time released. Remember: Brain fog and memory loss are also related to poor sleep:
to order:

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