Start your morning with a nutritious breakfast...and that is not your cereal! Here is an article that explains why.
Public Dumping Breakfast Cereals
Dr Michael Colgan 22 September 2013
For 20 years many scientific institutions, including the Colgan Institute, have been telling the public that breakfast cereals are useless for nutrition. In numerous books and articles since 1993, I liken the processed cereals to candy bars, high-glycemic, empty calories that are detrimental to health, especially the health of a growing child.(1-3)
But the $12 billion a year cereal business has responded by massively increasing their prime time ads touting false benefits of their wares. They use superb ad films, prizes in cereal boxes, competitions, cruises, famous cartoon characters, anything to keep our kids eating garbage.
I am happy to say they are losing the battle. In a just published report, the multinational bankers, Rabobank, one of the world’s largest agricultural lenders, report that there has been a 1% decline in cereal use in the US every year for the last 10 years.(4) Nutrition science is finally starting to win.
I would love to claim that my writings and those of my colleagues turned the tide. Maybe a smidgeon, but the real force is the Internet. Instant communication for everyone now makes it impossible for companies to hide the truth. The Rabobank report states one of the big reasons for the cereal decline is that consumers are turning away from overly processed foods because of the questionable nutrition. It took the Internet to get the truth out.
The report also supports what we have been advocating for many years, that children get some good protein every morning. Even Kellogg`s has seen the writing on the wall. They have just brought out pre-mixed bottled protein shakes to go. With only 10 grams of mixed milk proteins they bear no comparison to a good protein powder.
With 22 grams of whey protein, a shake like Isagenix Isalean is a perfect breakfast for the growing child. It provides sufficient protein for the building blocks of every working structure in the body and brain. As the Rabobank report concludes, sufficient protein also ``promotes satiety, and weight management.(4)
to order:
1. Colgan M. Optimum Sports Nutrition. New York: Advanced Research Press, 1993.
2. Colgan M. The New Nutrition. Vancouver: Apple Publishing, 1995.
3. Colgan M. Nutrition for Champions. Vancouver: Science Books 2007.
4. Rabobank Report, September 2013.
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