Ashwagandha: Researchers at India's National Brain Research Center have begun a series of studies involving an extract of the Ashwagandha root in mice, which "scientists found it can reverse memory loss and may prove to be an effective cure for the disease in humans," the Times of India newspaper reported recently.
Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath, a neuroscientist at NBRC, tested the semi-purified sample on genetically modified mice with Alzheimer's disease. Two sets of mice - middle-aged at nine to ten months and old mice at two years were given oral doses of the extract for 30 days, under continual observation.
Over the course of the month, researchers found a reduction in amyloid plaques, which is a symptom of Alzheimer's, in the mice's brains, as well as an improvement in their cognitive abilities.
Mice "were tested on a radial arm maze, where they are trained to go and pick food from four of the maze's eight arms," said Ravindranath. "Since the mice had Alzheimer's, they were neither able to learn nor retain the learning. But after 20 days of the Ashwagandha treatment, we noticed a difference, and after 30 days they had started behaving normally."
Ashwaganda can be found in this product: and ordered at
Curry: A recent study conducted by researchers from Duke University found that regular consumption of curry could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
"There is very solid evidence that curcumin (found in curry) binds to plaques, and basic research on animals engineered to produce human amyloid plaques has shown benefits," said researcher Murali Doraiswamy. "You can modify a mouse so that at about 12 months its brain is riddled with plaques. If you feed this rat a curcumin-rich diet, it dissolves these plaques. The same diet prevented younger mice from forming new plaques."
Researchers began a clinical trial in Los Angeles in 2009. Scientists say because of the large amount of curcumin required to cause reductions, they are considering a curcumin pill.
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