Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Help your kidneys

Use this simple steps to "help" your kidneys and detox them

Step 1

Eat fresh vegetables. Cut out the processed foods. Stop eating food out of a box. The more junk you eat the more your body has to work to get rid of it. Cook your own food. Knowing what you put in your body is important and when you cook your own food you know exactly what ingredients you're using. Aim for organic products, especially if you eat meat.
JUICE! Juice. Juice. Juice fresh dark green leafy vegetables. Chlorophyll does wonders for your body.
Eat and juice alkalizing foods. Keeping your body's pH at the desirable level (neutral pH) is important because you're helping your body work at an optimal level without having to work overtime to get rid of unwanted and harmful toxins. The better you eat, the healthier you eat and the more you MOVE then the less your body has to spend time working to eliminate toxins and has more time to make you feel good by giving you energy and helping you feel your best.
There are simple things you can do to again eliminating processed foods and at least juicing fresh organic vegetables 2-3 times a day.

Step 2

Cranberries are excellent for your kidneys and bladder, especially for preventing and treating urinary tract infections. Cranberries contain a compound called hippuric acid. Hippuric acid helps acidify the urine and inhibit bacteria. This is important for people with bladder infections. Cranberries are great for your kidneys because they contain an antioxidant called proanthocyanidin. (2) Not only are cranberries beneficial for your kidneys and bladder but they are also great for reducing risks of heart disease, have anti-cancer properties, are great for your gums and much more.
It's best to either juice fresh cranberries or blend them. Store bought juice (even organic) is packed with sugar. If you can't find fresh organic cranberries, try frozen organic cranberries and blend them up.
Check out how to make your own cranberry blend yourself.

Step 3

Magnesium deficiency is not beneficial for helping your kidneys. Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements and a diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure. Magnesium is also important for diabetes, preventing osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and much more.
Step 4
 When you juice dark green vegetables you are instantly getting high amount of nutrients and vitamins.
1. Many people ask me why they should juice when they could eat the vegetables or fruits.When you extract the juice from the vegetable all you are left with are beneficial micro-nutrients. Since your body doesn't have to break down any components like insoluble fiber, your body is quickly absorbing micro-nutrients  antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and much more from the juice. That’s why often you get instant energy after having a juice!
2. Juicing also allows you to consume the needed vegetables and fruits that your body craves and needs for optimal health. If you find it difficult eating raw vegetables and fruit, then juicing is perfect for you. With juicing you are also getting a wide variety of different vegetables into your daily intake.
3. Juicing is a way to change the way you eat and will change the way you live. After you juice for a week, you will see and feel instant results.

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